When you manually bypass a
zone, the security system func-
tions as if that zone does not
exist. Bypassed zones are
not protected.
The master user can bypass
any zone which is programmed
for bypassing. Other users
may have limited rights to by-
pass zones, depending on your
system's programming.
Restoring bypassed zones. If
you manually bypass a 24-hour
zone, such as a smoke detec-
tor, that zone remains by-
passed until you restore it.
However, if you manually by-
pass a zone which is not a 24-
hour zone, that zone is restored
when you disarm the system.
To Bypass a Zone:
When a zone is faulted,
the zone's LED is lit. To
bypass the zone, press the
key. All of the
LEDs are off.
Enter the two-digit zone
number. (For zones 1-9,
enter a "0" first.) The
LED of the bypassed zone
blinks. If the zone can-
not be bypassed, you hear
a 3-second error tone.
Enter your user code. The
zone's LED blinks.
To Restore a Bypassed Zone:
Repeat the procedure
above. The zone operates
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