The Alarms
The UltraRadiac’s presettable alarms for both
instantaneous Rate and cumulative Dose can
alert you to hazardous conditions. When an
enabled alarm’s threshold is exceeded, a vi-
sual indicator will begin flashing and, option-
ally, an LED will blink and/or an audible
alarm will sound. Some units also include a
vibrator alarm.
The Radiation Units
Depending on the model, your UltraRadiac is
factory-set to display the Rate and the Dose in
one of these units of radiation measurement:
(roentgen) – a measure of radiation
(sievert) – a measure of absorbed
dose equivalent.
Most illustrations in this manual show the ra-
diation units as
(microroentgens, one mil-
lionth of a roentgen). The units are defined on
pages 54–55.
Equipment Check
If your organization’s procedures require peri-
odic equipment checks, refer to Chapter 4,
Operational Verification Tests.