heck the power supply, temperature, network status and fan status,
and click log in the left column, as shown in the figure below:
Check the following fields in the right interface
2. NETFAIL: The time of disconnection from the pool is recorded (if it
has not been disconnected or has never been connected to the pool,
here is all 0). In this record, the odd number items (items 1, 3, 5)
are the time of disconnection from the pool, and the even number
items (items 2, 4, 6) are the time to restore the connection with
the pool. If only the odd number items have data and the even number
items are 0, it indicates that the connection with the pool is
currently disconnected and has not been restored (usually because
the server at the end of the pool is disconnected due to excessive
pressure, if it occurs frequently for a long time, other mining
pools can be replaced).
SYSTEMSTATU: The current working status is recorded. It is in work
normally. Among them, hash board: is the number of hash boards in
operation. If it is 1 or 2, you need to contact the after-sales
department for solution.
TAvg is average chip temperature.
Vo is average chip voltage range:290mV-350mV。
PS is PSU status ,include 1-6 item as below:
Item 1: error code. Other values indicate power failure or
output short circuit。
Item 2: voltage supplied to the control board. The normal
value is 12xx.
Item 3: the voltage supplied to the hash board is normally
between 1200 and 1320.