Camtec Power Supplies GmbH - Gewerbestrasse 30 - 76327 Pfinztal - Germany
P.5/12 (03.2022.00.0)
Phone +49(721)46596-0 - Fax +49(721)46596-77 -
(Subject to alterations. This product is not designed to be used in applications such as life support systems wherein a failure or malfunction could result in injury or death)
Monitoring of the Output Current Consumption
The Current Monitor Imon output is buffered with OP-amplifiers, pre-resistors & parallel connected Zener diodes.
The monitor output delivers 0-5Vdc 5mA control voltage. The signal is absolute proportional to the adjusted output
current. The signal is real time, and the measuring point is exactly at the DC outputs of the power supply unit.
The monitoring is directly connected with the DC power outputs.
Sensing (Load Line Compensation)
The CPS-EC provides a sensing function to compensate a voltage drop from the load lines. The maximum
compensation is 1V. Be aware that this operation mode may recommend extended preparations concerning
interference elimination. If the sensing feature is not in use the S +/- must be connected to AUX +/- with very
short wires (Factory setting).
To use the sensing feature, please disconnect the local sensing wires from the AUX +/- and the S +/-
connections. Connect the sense lines to the load. Be sure that +/- connections are matching!
WARNING! Reverse polarity of the sense lines can cause damages to the power supply unit.
To basically prevent from interferences, enable to twist sense compensation lines. To reduce inductive
influences, make sure that the load wires are installed close to each other. Driving a pulsative load requires a
large electrolytic and a ceramic capacitor. Make sure that C1 & C2 are not oscillating with load wires. It would
cause ripple voltage into the load lines. The internal over voltage protection (OVP) controls the output voltage
directly at the DC output connections. It opens automatically in case of a failure from the DC source (see OVP
Local Sensing Remote Sensing
(factory setting) (twist wires)
Remote Sensing with Battery Charger
When using the CPS-EC as a battery charger please avoid the remote sensing operation mode. It may cause
serious damage to the unit when the battery connections are being mixed up. If you really need to install a
remote sensing apply to the below figure circuit. Good values are 250mA for the Si fuses and 3…5A capability
for the diodes.
Inhibit (Interlock)
The inhibit inputs can be connected to a safety contact or a safety relay. When the contact is open the power
supply will remain completely locked in a shutdown mode. The unit powers up immediately when the
connection is closed. The current through the inhibit connection is typically 2mA.
WARNING! It is prohibited to apply an external voltage to the inhibit connection! The CPS-EC unit can be
damaged seriously! Always use passive mechanical contacts from switchers or relays.