background image

19 - 64


3.4 Recommended use

The tool was created to be used according to the ways and limits previously described.


Any other use has to be considered improper and potentially dangerous for the operators’ safety. This would
make any warranty claims void.

If it is not used for the purposes it was designed for, the tool may get damaged and cause serious injuries to
personnel and bystanders and damages to things.

3.5 Tool parts






Power supply cable

Joins the power unit with the battery




Operates the tool




Recharges the battery




Allows to wear the battery



LED light 1 (Power)

Indicates that the battery charger is on



LED light 2 (battery-charger)

Indicates that the battery-charger is loading or has finished
the recharge phase



Network power supply cable

Connects the battery-charger with the network



Battery power supply cable

Connects the battery-charger with the battery


3.6 Technical details

Energy 12 (Energy 6) battery weight: .................  4.3 kg (2.3 kg)

Battery: ................................................................  Li-Pol

Average battery recharge time: .......................... 10 hours

Battery autonomy (*): .......................................... 8-12 hours (4-6 hours)

Nominal battery voltage: ..................................... 14.4-14.8 V

Battery-charger voltage: ..................................... According to the description on the unit

(*) The details depend on the chosen harvesting head and on the kind of use.

3.7 Safety devices

Built-in safety device: Protects the battery avoiding that the voltage goes below its minimum level and/or  that the current
overcomes its maximum level.

3.8 Symbols and warnings

General warning

Duty of reading the
use & maintenance manual

Compulsory head protection

Compulsory adequate clothing

Compulsory hands protection

Compulsory feet protection

Summary of Contents for Energy Series

Page 1: ...diques Notas para mantenimientos peri dicos Unit di alimentazione Energy 6 12 Power supplying unit Energy 6 12 Groupes d alimentation Energy 6 12 Grupo de alimentaci n Energy 6 12 Energy 6 12 Energy 6...

Page 2: ...y fully charged green bater a recargada verde 4 ON ON guasto rosso o batteria in fase di carica verde lampeggiante flashing intermitente fault red or battery charging step green aver a rojo o bater a...

Page 3: ......

Page 4: ...3 64 Fran ais Italiano Italiano Italiano Espa ol Espa ol Espa ol English English English 4 14 Fran ais Fran ais 24 34 44 T rk e T rk e T rk e 54...

Page 5: ...e della fornitura del prodotto Qualora risultasse rovinato o illeggibile in qualsiasi parte occorre richiederne immediatamente una copia alla ditta CAMPAGNOLA S r l Il costruttore declina ogni respons...

Page 6: ...o 9 3 5 Composizione dell attrezzo 9 3 6 Dati tecnici 9 3 7 Apparati di sicurezza 9 3 8 Simbologia e avvertimenti 9 4 INSTALLAZIONE 4 1 Avviamento 10 5 USO DELL ATTREZZO 5 1 Avvio dell attrezzo 10 5 2...

Page 7: ...he in grado di svolgere gli interventi di installazione manutenzione straordi naria e o riparazione indicati nel presente manuale Manutentore elettrico elettronico Personale con competenze specifiche...

Page 8: ...garanzia in accordo con le disposizioni sopra citate il prodotto da riparare deve essere sempre accompagnato dal certificato di garanzia correttamente compilato con allegata rispettiva prova d acquist...

Page 9: ...razione devono essere eseguite presso un centro autorizzato ad opera di personale qualificato Durante le operazioni di manutenzione o di riparazione le persone non autorizzate devono tenersi distanti...

Page 10: ...ato ri nonch tale da far decadere la garanzia contrattuale Se l attrezzo viene utilizzato per scopi diversi da quelli sopra elencati pu danneggiarsi gravemente e causare danni a cose e persone 3 5 Com...

Page 11: ...teria 3 si accendono relativi LED vedi cap 6 Carica batteria Collegare il carica batteria 3 alla batteria 2 rispettando gli accoppiamenti maschio femmina e sfruttando l antierrore per orientare i PIN...

Page 12: ...ampeggiante Solo dopo che la batteria 2 ha raggiunto il valore corretto di tensione inizia la fase di ricarica Il tempo di ricarica delle batterie 2 dipende dalla capacit delle celle e dalla carica re...

Page 13: ...ecchio dovr essere destinato solo all uso per il quale stato espressamente concepito e cio per ricaricare la batteria 2 fornita da CAMPAGNOLA S r l Ogni altro uso deve essere considerato improprio e q...

Page 14: ...e della sua vita operativa l attrezzo dovr essere demolito Le sue parti dovranno essere opportunamente divise al fine di rendere possibile uno smaltimento selettivo in funzione del materiale batterie...

Page 15: ...should be kept together with it at all times If any part of the manual is damaged or illegible contact CAMPAGNOLA S r l immediately for another copy The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for...

Page 16: ...rts supplied 18 3 4 Recommended use 19 3 5 Tool parts 19 3 6 Technical details 19 3 7 Safety devices 19 3 8 Symbols and warnings 19 4 INSTALLATION 4 1 Starting 20 5 USE OF THE TOOL 5 1 Starting the to...

Page 17: ...nstalling servicing and or repairing the equipment as directed in this manual He cannot carry out interventions on the electric system Qualified electrician Personnel capable of using the machine in n...

Page 18: ...aintenance Manual or to written instructions by theAuthorized Service Points personnel Parts with manufacturing defects will be repaired or replaced free of charge Labour and transport costs are exclu...

Page 19: carried out only by a service mechanic in an authorized service point Keep bystanders away when servicing or repairing the machine 3 SPECIFICATIONS 3 1 Product identification The tool identificati...

Page 20: ...ger Indicates that the battery charger is loading or has finished the recharge phase C 7 Network power supply cable Connects the battery charger with the network B 8 Battery power supply cable Connect...

Page 21: ...intenance Manual 5 3 Battery re charging Put the battery charger 3 in a dry well aired not humid room at a temperature between 15 C and 25 C and away from flammable materials Insert the plug of the po...

Page 22: ...ged in 2 ON OFF battery non connected 3 ON ON green LED 2 battery is charged up 4 ON FLASHING green light battery under charge red light battery out of order 5 4 Use of the battery charger The battery...

Page 23: ...located in the rear side of the tool The tool shall only be used for the aims it was projected for i e for re charging batteries supplied by CAMPAGNOLA S r l 2 Any other use has to be considered impr...

Page 24: impact on environment and health Any end user s unauthorized product disposal would cause economic sanctions according to the Law Decree no 22 1997 art 50 and following ones AUTHORIZED SERVICE POIN...

Page 25: ...ait tre ab m ou illisible en demander imm diatement une autre copie la soci t CAMPAGNOLA S r l La Maison constructrice d cline toute responsabilit en cas d une mauvaise utilisation de l article et de...

Page 26: ...oi pr vu 29 3 5 Composition de l quipement 29 3 6 Donn es techniques 29 3 7 Syst mes de s curit 29 3 8 Symboles d avertissement 29 4 INSTALLATION 4 1 Mise en marche 30 5 UTILISATION DE L OUTIL 5 1 All...

Page 27: ...op rations d installation d entretien extraordinaire et ou de r paration indiqu es dans ce livret Ouvrier pr pos l entretien lectrique lectronique Personnel ayant des comp tences lectriques sp cifique...

Page 28: ...e la demande de r paration sous garantie conform ment aux dispositions mentionn es ci dessus le produit r parer doit toujours tre accompagn du certificat de garantie correctement rempli et d une preuv...

Page 29: ...nue peut une grande fatigue de l op rateur 2 3 Entretien Les r parations doivent tre ex cut es dans un centre autoris par du personnel qualifi Pendant les op rations d entretien ou de r paration les p...

Page 30: ...ra ne l annulation de la garantie Si l quipement est utilis dans un but diff rent de ceux qui ont t list s ci dessus il risque de s endommager irr m diablement et causer des probl mes aux personnes et...

Page 31: ...5 3 Mise en charge de la batterie Installer le chargeur 3 dans un endroit sec et a r l abri de l humidit loin de mat riaux inflammables et dont la temp rature est comprise entre 15 C et 25 C Ins rer...

Page 32: ...harge 1 OFF OFF prise du c ble d alimentation non ins r e 2 ON OFF batterie non reli e 3 ON ON LED 2 verte batterie recharg e 4 ON CLIGNOTANT Batterie en recharge lumi re verte ou en panne lumi re rou...

Page 33: ...l devra tre destin l utilisation pour laquelle il a t express ment con u c est dire pour recharger la batterie 2 fournie par CAMPAGNOLA S r l Les autres utilisations doivent tre consid r es impropres...

Page 34: ...n ral la fin de sa vie op rationnelle l outil devra tre d moli Ses parties devront tre opportun ment divis es afin de rendre possible un recyclage s lectif en fonction du mat riel batte ries m tal pla...

Page 35: ...opease o fuese ilegible en alguna de sus partes es necesario solicitar otra copia al fabricante El fabricante declina cualquier tipo de responsabilidad por un uso impropio de los productos y por da os...

Page 36: ...39 3 5 Composici n de la herramienta 39 3 6 Datos t cnicos 39 3 7 Aparatos de seguridad 39 3 8 S mbolos de advertencia 39 4 INSTALACI N 4 1 Puesta en marcha 40 5 UTILIZACI N DE LA HERRAMIENTA 5 1 Pue...

Page 37: ...enimiento extraordinario y o reparaci n indicadas en el presente manual No puede efectuar intervenciones en la instalaci n el ctrica Electricista cualificado Personal con competencias el ctricas espec...

Page 38: herramienta ATENCI N Al pedir una reparaci n en garant a seg n las indicaciones mencionadas arriba siempre hay que enviar el certifica do de garant a completamente extendido y el correspondiente do...

Page 39: ...reparacion o mantenimiento deben ser efectuadas por unmec nico especia lizado en un centro de asistencia autorizado Durante las operaciones de reparacion o mantenimiento las personas no autorizadas h...

Page 40: ...bater a A 5 LED 1 Power Indica que el carga baterias est alimentado C 6 LED 2 Charge Indica que el carga baterias est cargando o ha acabado la recarga C 7 Cable alimentacion red Conecta el carga bater...

Page 41: ...ntar el carga bater as 3 se encienden los LEDS v ase el cap 6 Carga bater as Acolplar el carga bater as 3 a la bater a 2 respetando las conexiones macho hembra y utilizando el anti error para una corr...

Page 42: ...Solo cuando la bater a 2 ha alcanzado el valor correcto de tensi n empieza la fase de recarga El tiempo de recarga de la bater a 2 depende de la capacidad de las celdas y de la carga residual El tiem...

Page 43: ...el ctrica Este aparato s lo tiene que ser utilizado para el uso para el que ha sido creado es decir para volver a cargar bater as 2 suministradas por CAMPAGNOLA S r l Cada utilizaci n distinta tiene...

Page 44: ...General Cuando concluya su vida operativa la herramienta tiene que ser demolida Sus partes tendr n que ser divididas para una eliminaci n selectiva seg n el material bater as metal pl stico etc y en e...

Page 45: ...44 64 CAMPAGNOLA S r l leader CAMPAGNOLA S r l CAMPAGNOLA S r l...

Page 46: ...1 4 46 1 5 47 2 2 1 47 2 1 1 47 2 1 2 47 2 2 48 2 3 48 3 3 1 48 3 2 48 3 3 49 3 4 49 3 5 49 3 6 49 3 7 49 3 8 50 4 4 1 50 5 5 1 50 5 2 50 5 3 50 5 4 51 5 5 51 6 6 1 52 6 2 52 6 3 52 6 4 52 7 7 1 53 7...

Page 47: ...46 64 1 1 1 1 2 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 1 3 E 98 37 CE 1 4...

Page 48: ...47 64 1 1 5 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Power 12 1 2004 108 CE 2 1 2 UN3091 9 2...

Page 49: ...48 64 2 2 2 2 2 60 C 3 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 2 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 2 3 Warranty 2 3 3 3 1 CE 3 3 2 Energy 12 6 2 charger 3 4 1 Energy 6 12 V 240 W Energy 12 12 V 480 W Amp re Watt 2 A 4 3 10...

Page 50: ...49 64 EITOYP IA 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 Led 1 Power C 6 Led 2 Charge C 7 B 8 B 3 20 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 6 Energy 12 Energy 6 4 3 kg 2 3 kg Li Pol 10 8 12 4 6 14 4 14 8 V 3 7...

Page 51: ...50 64 3 3 8 4 4 1 Power 12 2 4 ON OFF Power 12 OFF D 1 Power 12 PIN 5 5 1 Power 12 4 A 4 90 A 10 5 2 Power 12 5 3 3 15 C 25 C 3 EN60204 1 3 LED 6 3 2 PIN...

Page 52: ...A S r l 5 4 3 2 led LED1 5 LED2 6 Energy 6 LED LED 2 1 4 2 3 LED 1 5 ON LED 2 6 2 2 12 LED 1 power LED 2 charge 1 OFF OFF 2 ON OFF 3 ON ON LED 2 4 ON 2 LED 2 5 12 2 5 5 5 LED E LED 1 5 3 LED 2 6 3 LED...

Page 53: ...52 64 6 6 1 3 6 2 7 8 Led1 5 Led2 6 6 3 Li Pol 100 240 VAC50 60 Hz 75 W 55 W 16 8 VDC 5 30 C 5 30 C IP 20 6 4 2 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 3 2 CAMPAGNOLA S r l 30 C 3 CE...

Page 54: ...53 64 7 7 1 PO OXH ON OFF OFF D 1 7 1 1 2 180 2 PO OXH 180 2 5 C 30 C 7 2 PO OXH CAMPAGNOLA S r l CAMPAGNOLA S r l 8 8 1 8 2 13 25 2005 151 2002 95 2002 96 2003 108 22 1997 50 22 1997...

Page 55: ...k kabul edilmelidir Herhangi bir k sm n n hasar g rm veya okunamaz hale gelmi olmas durumunda CAMPAGNOLA S r l irketinden derhal yeni bir kopya talep edilmesi gerekir retici r n n uygunsuz kullan m il...

Page 56: ...kullan m 59 3 5 Aletin olu umu 59 3 6 Teknik veriler 59 3 7 Emniyet aparatlar 59 3 8 Semboller ve uyar lar 59 4 KURMA 4 1 al t rma 60 5 ALET N KULLANIMI 5 1 Aletin al t r lmas 60 5 2 Aletin stop ettir...

Page 57: ...veya onar m m dahalelerini yerine getirebilecek zel mekanik uzmanl a sahip personel Elektrik elektronik bak m teknisyeni T m emniyet ve koruma sistemleri bak m ve veya onar m m dahaleleri i in devre...

Page 58: ...KKAT Garanti kapsam ndaki onar m talebi an nda yukar da belirtilen h k mlere uygun olarak onar lacak r n daima do ru ekilde doldurulmu garanti belgesi ve ili kin deme belgesi fatura veya yasal de ere...

Page 59: ...olabilir 2 3 Bak m Onar m i lemleri yetkili bir merkez nezdinde ve kalifiye personel taraf ndan ger ekle tirilmelidir Bak m ve onar m i lemleri esnas nda yetkili olmayan ki iler aletten uzakta durmal...

Page 60: ...arj r besleme gerilimi zerinde belirtildi i gibi Mekanik hasat kafas na ve kullan m tipine ba l veriler 3 7 Emniyet aparatlar Entegre emniyet d zeni gerilimin minimum bir de er alt na inmesini ve veya...

Page 61: ...ili kin LED lambalar yanar b l m 6 Batarya arj r ne bak n z Erkek di i iftlerine uyarak ve konekt rlerin P MLER N y nlendirmek i in hata nleyiciden faydalanarak batarya arj r n 3 bataryaya 2 ba lay n...

Page 62: ...ksimum arj s resi 12 saattir 5 5 ng r lmeyen durumlar sebepler z mler LED 1 Power LED 2 charge Anlam 1 OFF OFF besleme kablosu fi i tak l de il 2 ON OFF batarya ba l de il 3 ON ON ye il LED 2 batarya...

Page 63: ...oldu u ama do rultusunda yani CAMPAGNOLA S r l irketi taraf ndan ikmal edilen bataryay 2 arj etmek i in kullan lmal d r Her t rl farkl kullan m uygunsuz ve dolay s yla tehlikeli kabul edilmelidir Cih...

Page 64: ...1 Genel bilgiler al ma mr sona erdi inde alet hurdaya kar lmal d r Kullan ld lkede y r rl kte olan kanun y netmeliklerine uyarak malzemelere bataryalar metal plastik vs g re se ilecek bir imhaya olana...

Page 65: ...64 64 Note per manutenzioni periodiche Notes for scheduled maintenance Remarques pour entretien p riodiques Notas para mantenimientos peri dicos Periyodik bak m notlar...

Page 66: ...plicadas a a daki imzan n sahibi irket kendi sorumlulu u alt nda yanda g sterilen makinenin 98 37 CE Makine Y netmeli i ve sonraki y netmelikler ile uygulanan kural lara uygun oldu unu beyan etmektedi...
