PMP Synchronization Solutions User Guide
CMM5 Controller Configuration
PMP-0297 007v001 (January, 2017)
Identify a Chassis
From the main “Services” screen, use the Blink/Query functions to identify a chassis.
Blink - “Blink” causes the red LEDs on the ODU ports of the selected power injector
chassis to light up for one second. This is useful if the operator wants to confirm
which physical module corresponds to each chassis displayed on the controller GUI.
Query – This function will update the status display for the associated chassis,
including the volts and watts measurements (note that these don’t get updated in
real time). When this button is clicked, the controller sends a command to the
chassis and waits for a response before updating the display, so it will take a few
seconds to execute.
Note: The “Force Discovery” function will refresh the chassis information without rebooting
the system.
Note: If “Query All” is selected, then the displays for all connected chassis are updated.