Product overview
In addition to traditional router functionality the Call Direct Cellular Solutions CDM800
series cellular routers (CDM) have been designed to facilitate the use of packet switched
digital cellular networks in legacy applications which support a V.250 (V.25ter, AT, Hayes
compatible) modem interface.
These applications often do not support the PPP and TCP/IP transport commonly supported
by the digital cellular networks.
Although the CDM800 series includes a cellular terminal module the external application
does not communicate directly with the digital cellular terminal, instead V.250 (AT)
commands and data are processed by the CDM.
Any V.250 commands that the CDM does not process internally may optionally be passed
to the internal cellular terminal in order to access terminal specific features.
Additionally the CDM can be configured for use as a standard circuit switched cellular data
CDM800 Series V.250 Manual
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To suit software version 1.52.2