4. If you short press the [Tune-] or [Tune+] button, your radio will scan upward or downward 0.05MHz.
Note: If reception is still poor adjust the position of the aerial or try moving the radio to another location.
Automatic scan
1. Press and hold the [Enter/snooze] (4) button to automatically scan and store radio stations.
2. Press and hold [info/menu] (7) to enter the menu
3. Enter <Preset recall>
Recall stored station
1. Press [tune+] (6) <Preset store> and press [ENTER]. Select the desired location 1~10 en press [ENTER] to store it.
Note: If no station has been stored under the preset, the display will show “Px: (Empty)” and then revert to the
previously selected station after a few seconds.
Alarm wizard:
There are 2 alarms available on the radio. Follow the steps below to set the alarm(s).
Option 1; when radio is in standby mode
1. Press the [ Alarm/Vol+ ] (3) button to enter the Alarm settings.
The Alarm wizard will pop up. Use the tune -/+ (5/6) buttons to change values, Use the Snooze/Enter (4) to accept
change and continue to the next screen
2. Choose alarm 1 or alarm 2 setup
3. Set the alarm time (Hours and minutes)
4. Set the duration of the alarm.
5. Select source: FM / DAB+ / Buzzer
6. Choose: once / daily /weekdays or weekends
7. Set the volume
8. Set alarm ON/OFF > and your settings are saved
The alarm bel symbol will appear on the screen, letting you know that it’s active.
Option 2; while listening to the radio
1. Press and hold the [INFO/MENU] button to enter the System setting and choose Alarm.
Use the tune -/+ (5/6) buttons to scroll through the option and use the Snooze/Enter (4) to select
2. Follow the same steps as Option 1 above, starting from 2.
tip: The alarm sounds best when it’s really early in the morning
When the alarm is activated, you can press [ Sleep/Alarm/Snooze ] to active snooze to delay the alarm and it will turn on
again in 9 minute interval. If you want to turn OFF the alarm, just simply press [
/ Mode ] button, then the alarm will be
turned OFF and go to standby mode.
- The alarm 1 (or 2) indicator will flash on the display when the alarm sounds.
- If a later alarm sounds when the earlier alarm is still sounding, the first alarm will take priority.
- If a later alarm sounds when the earlier alarm is in snooze, the later alarm will take priority and cancel the snooze
function of the earlier alarm automatically.
Factory Reset:
Reset your radio and restore all the settings to the original factory settings.
Long press [info/Menu] and enter the submenu <system> and choose <Factory Reset>, then press [ Enter ] button to
confirm. Follow the wizard on the display to complete the reset. The radio will restart by itself.