number (0..99).
2. Write the I11 parameters formatted as described below to the 'i11d' parameter.
3. Write the I11 prediction values formatted as described below to the 'i11p' parameter.
4. Optionally update the name of the parameter set by writing this name to the 'i11n' parameter.
You should ensure, that the 'i11s' parameter is not changed until all parts of the I11 parameter set
have been set. This implies, that only one remote control instance may update I11 parameters at
a time. After this command sequence the I11 parameter set is stored at the ACU. When changing
the parameter set which is actually in use for a STEP-I11 or a I11 tracking mode, the updated
parameters will be used when the next tracking step ist started.
I11 parameters ('i11d') are expected as a semicolon separated character string containing the
coefficients in the following order:
The epoch has to be (exactly) defined in the format 'YYYY MM DD HH MM SS'. Numbers hare to
be given with (exactly) 4 digits precision, except for the LM2 parameter which expects 6 digits
following the decimal point.
The I11 prediction values are expected as two numbers LON;LAT, each with 4 digita precision.
TLE parameter data
The ACU permits to monitor and control the TLE parameter sets used from remote. The
commands used for this have been designed to be compatible with third party SNMP based
software which may limit the amount of data transferred with a single command. The typical
sequence to update a TLE parameter set is as follows:
1. Select the number of the TLE parameter set to write to by setting the 'tles' parameter to this
number (0..99).
2. Write the TLE line 1 to the 'tle1' parameter.
3. Write the TLE line 2 to the 'tle2' parameter.
4. Optionally update the name of the parameter set by writing this name to the 'tlen' parameter.
You should ensure, that the 'tles' parameter is not changed until all parts of the TLE parameter
set have been set. This implies, that only one remote control instance may update I11
parameters at a time. After this command sequence the TLE parameter set is stored at the ACU.
When changing the parameter set which is actually in use for a STEP-TLE or a TLE tracking
mode, the updated parameters will be used when the next tracking step ist started.
The 'tle1', 'tle2' parameter expect the line 1 / line 2 of the TLE parameter set exactly as defined in
the TLE specification.
Controlling the target editor from remote
The target editor available at the ACU's WebGUI can be controlled remotely. This is done by
simulating the same steps which would be done by an operator at the ACU's WebGUI.
The first step to do ist to load as target into the editor. The 'tedt' command does this. Seting 'tedt'
to 25, for eample, loads the target memory 25 into the editor. Now the settings stored in this
preset can be read for the external UI by inspecting the parameter commands of the editor. A
target preset consists of about 25 parameters which are set when the preset is recalled. Editing
the target contents meand to load these values into copies of the real destiniation paramets.
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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