Please note, that the ACU-ODM uses one single temporary memory for the target editor. The
implies that the target editor may not be used from more than one browser window at a time or
the edited values will be messed up. This also applies to a remote controlled edit session, either a
target memory may be edited in the WebGUI or via an external software, not from both sources at
the same time.
Target Editor Page Example:
The ACU permits to store up 99 TLE ephemerides data sets and up to 99 Intelsat 11 parameter
data sets. The datasets are numbered 1..99 and are referenced in the target memory data by
this number. This means you assign a data set to a target satellite by its number rather than by
its name.
Position 0 in the table is reserved and labeled 'NONE'. In the
Target Editor
or when editing the
acutal tracking parameters
, you may select dataset 0 to tell the ACU that there are no TLE/I11
ephemerides known for this particular satellite.
Orbital Data Editor
page shows a table of all 99 datasets of a type (TLE or I11) with their
memory number and their name. Unused datasets have no name assigned, they are shown with
their memory number only. The table shows either the TLE datasets of the I11 datasets, the
heading above the table described which type of ephemerides are acually shown. At the top right
corner of the page there is a link which you can click to switch between TLE and I11.
A click to the number or name of a dataset in the table opens a page which lets you edit the
parameters of this particular dataset. For TLE parameter sets this is the
TLE Dataset Editor
, for
I11 datasets the
I11 Dataset Editor
. At these pages the parameters of the datasets may be
edited, the changed values may saved to the original or to another memory location.
At the bottom of the Orbial Data Editor page below the table there is link labeled "re-read the
TLE.TXT file" (or "re-read the I11.TXT file" if the I11 datasets are actually shown). Clicking this
link makes the ACU re-read the file like at power up.
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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