does the decoding of the resolver sin/cos signals.
SSI Interface: SSI is a high speed serial interface used by modern digital position encoders.
DC Voltage Interface: The third position encoder interface module contains an A/D
converter which is suited to measure the DC voltages produced by simple inductive angle
encoders. This application is for small antennas especially in the SNG business.
The paragraphs below give a short overview to the contents of the documentation. A subset of
this documentation is stored on the device itself, the complete documentation is available on the
sat-nms documentation CD and at
Safety Instructions
: This chapter gives an overview about the safety precautions that have
to be observed during installation, operation and maintenance.
Unit Overview
: The installation chapter gives informations about the different modules that
are integrated in the ACU (not ACU-ODM and ACU19).
: The installation chapter guides through the installation and setup of the
ACU outdoor module. It describes the mechanical concept of the ACU and the assignment of
the ACU's connectors. It gives you informations about the starting up procedure. Finally you
learn in this chapter how to set the ACU's IP address, which is a essential precondition to
operate the ACU by means of a web browser.
: The sat-nms ACU is operated using a standard web browser like the Internet-
Explorer on MS Windows based computers. The user interface design is straight forward and
clearly structured. Operating the ACU is mostly self-explanatory. Nevertheless, the
'Operation' chapter outlines the map of web pages which make up the ACU user interface
and elaborately describe the meaning of each alterable parameter.
Frontpanel Operation
: The sat-nms ACU19 and the sat-nms ACU-RMU optionally are
equipped with a frontpanel Human-Machine-Interface. This chapter describes how to use this
Remote Control
: The ACU outdoor module provides a versatile remote control interface. A
monitoring & control software may fully operate the ACU either through a TCP/IP network
connection or through the RS232 interface of the ACU. This chapter describes the
communication protocol used for remote control and lists all parameters accessible through
the remote interface.
Theory of Operation
: This chapter gives a short overview how the ACU works. It also
describes the different tracking algorithms and their parameters. The interaction with a
beacon receiver is described as well. Knowing about the theory regarding this functions
helps to find the best parameter settings for a given application.
: At the end of the document, the specifications applicable to the sat-nms ACU
are summarized in this chapter.
Support and Assistance
If you need any assistance regarding our ACU, don't hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased
to help you by answering your questions.
SatService GmbH
Hardstrasse 9
78256 Steisslingen
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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