If one or all motors are moving, they can stop with the following key:
0 --- Stop every motor Postion regulation is off. An Alarm will displayed
1 and 3 --- Select the STANDBY Operation Mode. No Alarm will displayed
1 and
--- Stop every motor Postion regulation is on
The display mode shows the actual reading and some additional information in the display. This is
the default mode, the ACU enters it automatically after power on. Depending on the selected
tracking mode, the default display looks like this:
or alternative
The upper display line shows the actual target name and the three axes angles. The lower line
shows the selected tracking mode or alternative the remaining time between the tracking steps
(selected with arrow up/down), depending on tracking mode, the size of the tracking memory and
the model data or nothing, and the beacon level.
While the ACU is not in a regular state, the display shows a message. The ordinary contents of
the display and the message are shown alternately, the message blinks on the display. The
following messages may be displayed at the corresponding position in the display.
At the corresponding angle position:
FAULT --- General ACU Fault
TIMEOUT --- Motor moves, but the position encoder does not react
HI-LIMIT --- High limit switch is activated
LOW-LIMIT --- Low limit switch is activated
STOPPED --- Motor stopped, over Web interface or with the STOP-Button on front panel
BEAC FLT --- If the ACU reads the beacon level via TCP/IP from sat-nms LBRX and the
beacon receiver does not respond
LOW BEAC --- Low beacon signal
If more than one of the above conditions occurs, only that one with the highest precedence is
shown. This means for example that the HI-LIMIT state precedes over the LO-LIMIT state.
The menu mode lets you view and change some ACU settings. From the display mode, you enter
the menu by pressing the key
. To leave the menu, repeatedly press the key
until the
display screen appears again. If there are no keystrokes for 30 minute, the ACU automatically
leaves the menu and returns to display mode. The menu structure is shown below:
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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