Connect mains to the terminals at the lower side of the cabinet. Please refer to the schematics
shipped with your sat-nms ACU-ODU for detailed pin description.
Connect the ethernet cable for remote controlling directly to the sat-nms ACU-ODM, the core
module of the cabinet. Use a standard network cable with RJ45 connectors to connect the sat-
nms ACU-ODU to an ethernet hub. If you want to connect your computer and the ACU directly
without using a hub, you need a crossover cable for this with swapped RX/TX lines. Please refer
to chapter
5 Operation
and to chapter
7 Remote Control
for detailed informations about remote
This chapter describes how to install and set-up the sat-nms ACU-ODU. It is a step-by-step
description without detailed description. If you need more detailed description for e.g. some
parameter settings, please refer to chapter
5 Operation
, all of the parameters are described
Before you start, please first read the
Safety Instructions
chapter. It contains some important
recommendations to prevent damage from the ACU.
Then, we strongly recommend to do a first setup of the ACU on a lab desk before installing it at
it's final location. This is mainly for the following reason:
To setup the ACU's IP parameters, the PC used for configuring and the ACU must either be
connected to the same Ethernet hub or must be connected directly with a crossover cable. The
initialization program does not work through routers or intelligent network switches.
Hence, the typical sequence of tasks when putting an sat-nms ACU outdoor module into
operation is as follows:
1. Read the chapter
Safety Instructions
2. Set the ACU's
IP address
Mechanically mount
the ACU.
Connect the ACU
to the antenna (position encoders, limit switches and motor drivers). Finally
connect the UPS power supply and the Ethernet network.
5. Start up the system and set the parameters as described below.
Before you can operate the sat-nms ACU-ODU, you need to set the ACU's IP address. There is a
special configuration program on the documentation CD shipping with the ACU for this purpose.
We recommend to configure the ACU's TCP/IP settings before you install the sat-nms ACU-RMU
at it's final place. To configure the ACU, the following equipment is required:
The sat-nms ACU-ODU itself.
230V AC power at UPS mains terminals.
A Computer running a Microsoft Windows operating system equipped with CD-ROM drive
and Ethernet network card.
A CAT5 crossover network cable or an Ethernet hub and standard network cables to
connect the ACU and the computer.
The CD-ROM shipping with the sat-nms ACU.
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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