the ACU.
Now the IP configuration of the ACU is completed. You may finally want to test if the ACU is
reachable now. Start your web browser and type the ACU's IP address into the URL field of the
browser. The ACU should reply with it's main page, provided that the ACU and your computer are
configured for the same subnet.
Connect the limit switches to the sat-nms ACU-ODU as described in chapter
4.2 Pin description
1. Switch on circuit breaker for the ACU-ODM to on state, take care, that the other ones are in
off-position. The ACU should be reachable via Ethernet now.
2. Check the function and correlation of all limit-switches manually. On the sat-nms ACU-ODMs
main-website a limit fault is shown as soon it occurs. On the test-page every single limit
switch is displayed. For more detailed informations see chapter
5 Operation
Connect the angle detectors directly to the sat-nms ACU-ODU as described in chapter
4.2.1 Pin
1. Configure the desired type of detector on the setup-page.
2. Set the soft-limits to the expected values (at first it is ok if you do this approximately, later on
you need to type in here the exact values).
3. Check the rotational direction of the resolvers. If possible, do this by turning the resolver axis
directly, otherwise you have to move the antenna by hand. Maybe you have to invert the
rotational direction on the setup page.
4. Set the offset of the angle detectors to the desired values by using the calc function.
If you need more detailed information, please refer to chapter
5.6 Setup
Before you connect the motors to the sat-nms ACU-ODU, take care that the circuit breakers for
the frequency inverters, motor drivers or conductors are in off position before connecting the
1. Connect the motors to the sat-nms ACU-ODU as described in chapter
2. Connect the emergency stop button to its terminals, see chapter
. If you do not have
one, take care that these terminals are bridged. Without a connection between these pins
(C) 2022, SatService GmbH
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