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The weekly programmable thermostat, suitable for all heating and/or cooling system, is fitted with a clear backlit display to keep
all its functions under control in real time.
The programmable thermostat is factory programmed.
Therefore, after electric power connection,
current date and hour
setting and confirmation of automatic daylight saving time/standard time change
(EURO=Italy and Central Europe UTC+1),
it is ready for immediate use, displaying current date and time,
in Winter mode (heating).
with thermal profile/standard time
The fundamental feature is its easy to use menu navigation, which makes it extremely user-friendly despite its comprehensive
range of functions. Two winter and two summer programs are already set in its permanent memory with 3 temperature
antifreeze feature, designed to offer the utmost comfort, although changing them only takes few seconds to select the desired
temperatures throughout the day (even every 30 minutes!) and for every day of the week.
The programmable thermostat is factory-set to adjust temperature in a Differential ON/OFF manner and hysteresis can be set
from 0.2°C to 1.2°C to adapt to the thermal inertia of your specific installation. Alternatively, modulating Proportional operation
may be selected with settable duration cycles (from 7 to 20 minutes): this system ensures the desired temperature is maintained
more stable, increasing user comfort and is particularly suitable for installations with high thermal inertia such as, for instance,
for underfloor radiant panels.
The set temperature scale is in degrees Centigrade (Celsius) with the option to calibrate room temperature measurement setting
a correction value (from -3 to +3 °C); when switching to the Fahrenheit scale all displayed temperature values are updated
Special attention was devoted to energy saving: temporary or permanent override with independent SET temperature from the
current weekly program, the Holiday program, pausing for household cleaning, optional Set temperature (MAX/MIN) lock,
adjustable anti-freeze temperature value, control through an external contact (e.g. optional telephone programmer), are conducive to
avoiding wasting energy with consequent savings. See the following pages for a description of these as well as of other features.
Based on the colour of the key lighting, the
thermostat signals the
as per the
Temperature set and operating at that moment,
rule below.
in Winter mode:
Setting lower than 18.1°C =
keys lit in green
Setting from 18.1 to 2 °C =
keys lit in blue
Setting over 2 .1°C =
keys lit in red
in Summer mode:
Setting over 26°C =
keys lit in green
Setting from 26 to 23°C =
keys lit in blue
Setting lower than 23°C =
keys lit in red