Hi Flow Stroller Technical Service Manual • PN 14314465 Rev
i F
w S
Oxygen, as it exists at standard atmospheric pressure and tempera-
ture, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Oxygen constitutes
21% of the atmosphere, by volume. Aside from its well-docu-
mented ability to sustain life, oxygen also supports combustion,
even though it is nonflammable. Many substances which will burn
in air, burn at a faster rate and at a higher temperature in an oxy-
gen enriched atmosphere. Other materials that do not burn in air
will burn as oxygen concentration increases. Additionally, many
greases and liquid solvents become extremely hazardous materi-
als when placed in an oxygen-enriched environment. In its liquid
form, oxygen is still odorless and tasteless, but is pale blue in color.
At an operating pressure of 20 psig (1,4 bar), the temperature of
liquid oxygen is about -173°C (-280° F). Skin exposed to such a low
temperature can become severely frostbitten.
These hazards require certain safety precautions to be taken when
working with or around gaseous and/or liquid oxygen:
1. Never permit combustible substances such as greases, oils,
solvents, or other compounds not oxygen compatible to
contact any component of the unit exposed to higher-than-
atmospheric concentrations of gaseous or liquid oxygen. This
especially applies to tubing, fittings, and valves.
2. Keep oxygen equipment away from open flames or electrical
appliances such as heaters, stoves, toasters, and other devices
with heating elements.
3. Never permit smoking in an area where oxygen equipment is
repaired, filled, or used.
4. Always wear goggles, a face shield, and insulated gloves when
working with or around liquid oxygen.
While CAIRE, Inc. equipment is designed and built to the most
rigid standards, no piece of mechanical equipment can ever be
made 100% foolproof. Strict compliance with proper safety prac-
tices is necessary when using any Hi Flow unit. We recommend
that our distributors emphasize safety and safe handling practices
to their employees and customers. While safety features have been
designed into the unit and safe operations are anticipated, it is nec-
essary that all distributor personnel carefully read and fully un-
and NOTES throughout the
manual. Periodic review of this information is recommended.
Excess accumulation of oxygen creates an oxygen-
enriched atmosphere (defined by the Compressed Gas Association
as an oxygen concentration above 23%). In an oxygen-enriched
atmosphere, flammable items may burn vigorously and may ex-
plode. Certain items considered non-combustible in air may burn
rapidly in such an environment. Keep all organic materials and
other flammable substances away from possible contact with oxy-
gen; particularly oil, grease, kerosene, cloth, wood, paint, tar, coal
dust, and dirt which may contain oil or grease. DO NOT permit
smoking or open flame in any area where oxygen is stored, han-
dled, or used. Failure to comply with this warning may result in
serious personal injury.
In the event a unit is dropped, tipped over, or unrea-
sonably abused; immediately, but cautiously, raise the container
to its normal vertical position. If substantial container damage
has occurred, remove the liquid oxygen from the vessel in a safe
manner (RP14). Purge the unit with an inert gas (nitrogen) and
promptly return it to CAIRE, Inc. for inspection. The container
should be prominently marked “CONTAINER DROPPED,
INSPECT FOR DAMAGE.” Failure to comply with these proce-
dures may result in personal injury and can seriously damage the
Personnel must remove liquid oxygen and depres-
surize the unit before removing parts or loosening fittings from
a unit. Failure to do so may result in personal injury from the
extreme cold of liquid oxygen and/or the pressure in the vessel.
CAUTION: Only use replacement equipment which is compatible
with liquid oxygen and has been cleaned for oxygen use. Do not use
regulators, fittings, hoses, etc. which have been previously used in
non-oxygen service.
During transfer of liquid oxygen, components will
become extremely cold. Care should be used to avoid any contact
with these components, as serious frostbite may result.
Keep filled unit upright at all times. Tip over of filled
unit may result in liquid oxygen leakage and/or an oxygen-en-
riched atmosphere.