HELiOS Portables Technical Service Manual • PN 20562190 Rev E
Troubleshooting & Repair Procedures
RP25 – Compression Fitting (Nut & Ferrule)
1. Inspect the tube end. Make sure that it is cut square and that
the outside surface is free of scratches or other marks at least
1 in (25 mm) back from the tube end.
2. Lightly buff the tube end with a Scotch-Brite pad or fine
emery paper to remove any surface marks.
3. Make sure the tube end is bottomed against the tube stop in
the fitting body. This is necessary to prevent movement of
the tube while the nut forces the ferrule to grip the tube and
create a seal.
4. Hold the fitting body stationary with an open-end wrench
while tightening the tube nut with a second wrench.
5. Tighten the tube finger-tight.
6. Using an open-end wrench, tighten the nut beyond finger-
a. For 1/4 in (0.64 cm) diameter tubing, tighten the nut and
additional 1 & ¼ turns.
b. For 1/8 in (0.32 cm) or 3/16 in (0.48 cm) diameter
tubing, tighten the nut an additional ¾ turn.
Figure 48:
Compression Fitting
NOTE: Never permit the fitting body to rotate during this
procedure. Always use two wrenches.
RP26 – Flexible Tubing Replacement
1. Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to carefully back the
brass collar (when used) off of the barbed fitting.
2. Work the screwdriver between the end of the tube and the
fitting body.
3. Simultaneously pull on the tube and pry the end of the tube
back from the barb.
4. Inspect the end of the new tube. Be sure that the end is cut
square and that it is free of cuts and tears.
5. Install a brass collar on the tube (if used) so that the large
end of the collar is toward the barbed fitting.
6. Push the tube squarely onto the barb as far as possible.
7. Push the brass collar (if used) onto the tube end connected to
the barbed fitting.
RP27 - CPC Connector Kit Installation (For Testing
units without CPC Connector Installed)
1. Remove tubing from barbed fittings of Conserver and R/E
2. Connect CPC Connector Kit’s (PN: 20748595) 7.5” tub-
ing end to inlet barb of Conserver and 3” tubing end to R/E
Valve barbed fitting. Refer to Figure 49 for unit without
CPC Connector Kit converted to unit with CPC Connector
Figure 49:
Newer Unit Manufactured without CPC Connector
and Fittings (Left). CPC Connector Kit Installed for Testing
Purposes (Right).