HELiOS Portables Technical Service Manual • PN 20562190 Rev E
Troubleshooting & Repair Procedures
RP9A – Economizer Test (H300)
1. Make sure the unit has been leak tested (RP2).
2. Fill the H300 from a properly saturated source of liquid oxy-
3. Remove the case (RP4).
4. Set the unit on the portable test fixture.
5. Stand the front cover, with tubing connected, next to the bot-
tle assembly as shown in Figure 19.
6. Allow the unit to sit undisturbed for 30 minutes to stabilize
at its primary relief valve setting.
7. Disconnect the flexible vent tube from the barbed fitting on
the vent valve.
8. Connect a test pressure gauge to the vent valve barbed fit-
ting and secure it with a tie wrap.
9. Prop the vent valve lever in the open position using a 3/16
in (0.48 cm) tubing spacer nut. Verify that the test pressure
gauge reads 1.65-2.07 bar (24-30 psi) and that the primary
relief valve is venting.
10. Set the flow control knob to a setting of 2.
11. Connect the jet/venturi assembly to the sense cannula barb
on the H300 front cover.
12. Connect the DISS tubing adapter on the long tube of the jet/
venturi assembly to an adjustable 0-6.90 bar (0–100 psi)
source of gaseous oxygen.
13. Increase the adjustable gaseous oxygen source pressure un-
til you feel a continuous oxygen flow from the top cannula
barb of the H300.
14. Check the reading on the test pressure gauge every 5 min-
utes until the pressure stabilizes. Stabilization occurs when
2 consecutive pressure readings are within 0.069 bar (1 psi)
of each other.
NOTE: The H300 must deliver continuous flow to perform
the Economizer Test. The following steps use the Jet Venturi
assembly to ensure that the H-300 provides continuous flow for
the economizer test.
CAUTION: Damage to the demand FCV is possible. Make sure
you hook up the Jet Venturi exactly as described. Do not block
the outlet port on the Jet Venturi assembly.
15. If the economizer pressure is not within 1.41-1.59 bar (20.5-
23.0 psi), replace the R/E valve (RP10).
16. Reassemble the unit by reversing steps 1-12.
RP9B – Economizer Test (H850)
1. Make sure the unit has been leak tested (RP2).
2. Fill the H850 from a properly saturated source of liquid oxy-
3. Remove the case (RP4).
4. Set the unit on the portable test fixture.
5. Stand the front cover, with tubing connected, next to the bot-
tle assembly as shown in Figure 19.
6. Allow the unit to sit undisturbed for 30 minutes to stabilize
at its primary relief valve setting.
7. Disconnect the flexible vent tube from the barbed fitting on
the vent valve.
8. Connect a test pressure gauge to the vent valve barbed fitting
and secure it with a tie wrap.
9. Prop the vent valve lever in the open position using a 3/16
in (0.48 cm) tubing spacer nut. Verify that the test pressure
gauge reads 1.79-2.07 bar (26-30 psi) and that the primary
relief valve is venting.
10. Set the flow control knob to a setting of C6.
11. Check the reading on the test pressure gauge every 5 minutes
until the pressure stabilizes. Stabilization occurs when two
consecutive pressure readings are within 0.069 bar (1 psi) of
each other.
12. If the economizer pressure is not within 1.53-1.71 bar
(22.25-24.75 psi), replace the R/E valve (RP10).
13. Reassemble the unit by reversing steps 1-9.
NOTE: The H850 must deliver continuous flow to test the
economizer valve.