HELiOS Portables Technical Service Manual • PN 20562190 Rev E
Troubleshooting & Repair Procedures
Table 6
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
f) Vent valve is open
Ensure that there is no venting from the vent valve outlet/tube. If
there is refer to the corrective actions for “Liquid leaks from the
vent valve tube/outlet”
g) FCV inlet filter is obstructed
Clean or replace (RP21) the filter screen.
h) Blockage in the liquid withdrawal
Check the warming coils and withdrawal tubes for blockages.
Replace if necessary.
i ) FCV Faulty
Replace the FCV (RP20)
8) Low flow at all
LPM settings
a) Nasal cannula kinked or leaking Inspect the functionality of the nasal cannula.
b) Saturation pressure is too low
Inspect the saturation pressure of the reservoir used for filling.
Allow at least 30 minutes at no flow for the portable to saturate
c) Leak in the system
Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as
d) Flow control valve inlet filter
screen dirty
Clean or replace (RP21) the filter screen.
e) Economizer valve faulty
Test the economizer (RP9) and replace (RP10) if necessary.
f) Blockage in the liquid withdrawal
Check the warming coils and withdrawal tubes for blockages.
Replace if necessary.
g) FCV faulty
Replace the FCV (RP20)
9) Unit stops pulsing in
demand mode
a) Cannula is disconnected
Ensure the nasal cannula is firmly attached to the barb(s).
b) Cannula is blocked or kinked
Inspect the cannula for kinks, bends, or water droplets. Replace
the cannula if necessary.
c) Cannula tips not positioned prop-
erly in the nose
Ensure the cannula remains in the nostrils and do not slide to one
d) Patient is breathing with their
mouth open.
Patient must inhale through their nose to initiate pulse/demand
e) Saturation pressure is out of
Reference symptom 14). Inspect the saturation pressure of the res-
ervoir used for filling. Allow at least 30 minutes at no flow for the
portable to saturate properly.
f) Leak in the system
Perform a leak check on the plumbing (RP2). Repair leaks as
g) Faulty FCV
Test the FCV (RP19) and replace if necessary.