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User's Manual (MUT)
Mod. N957 8k Multi-Channel Analyzer
Number of pages:
00105/04:N957x.MUTx/06 N957_REV6
Fig. 4.2: Program menu demo
It is possible to read the release notes, the readme file, the documentation on the
N957Tool library and the N957Demo application.
4.1.2 Driver installation
It is recommended to install the driver before to connect the hardware.
1. Download the USB driver compliant to your operating system in the
Firmware/Software table at the N957 web page.
2. Unzip the package on your computer; the “N957Drv-X.Y.Z-x86_KK” will be
generated (X.Y.Z is the driver release, while KK is 32 or 64).
3. Connect the USB cable’s A-type connector to an available USB port on your PC.
4. Connect the USB cable’s B-type connector to the USB port on your N957
5. Turn ON the NIM crate.
6. Windows will try to find drivers giving back a failure message; use the Window
procedure to manually install the drivers and point to the driver folder on your
computer. When the driver is properly installed, you will see it in the USB devices
list of the Device Manager.
Fig. 4.3: USB driver installed.
7. Now the N957 is ready for operation.