Electronic Instrumentation
DT55xxE Desktop HV Power Supply
Fig. 11: Terminal Ethernet settings
At first Power On the module is configured with default static IP (factory setting); such IP can be updated
using the “arrows” to select the fields, typing the new values and confirming with <Enter>.
Type S to save the new setting in the EEPROM and go back to Main Menu.
The new setting will become active at next Power On; if a DHCP Server is available, then the module can
be enabled or disabled as DHCP client; type S to save the new setting in the EEPROM and go back to Main
Menu: the DHCP server will automatically assign a new IP to the module at next Power On.
Firmware upgrade
To upgrade the firmware:
download from www.caen.it unit page the most recent firmware revision for your module
connect to the module via USB using Tera Term VT Emulator
in the Tera Term options, sele
ct “set up” > “serial port” a
nd enter the following settings
click OK to confirm
regarding Fig. 10: Terminal Board Menu, type U in order to upgrade the firmware
Type y
The following message will be shown:
> disconnect
unplug the USB cable
do not turn off the module!
connect once again to the module, via USB
the following message will be shown:
Press any key
Wait until the following message is shown: