Using LucinaAR
©2019 CAE 905K472052 v2.1
LucinaAR App Icons
The following icons will provide feedback and allow you to perform functions:
Indicates that the HoloLens is connected to Lucina’s Ethernet.
Not Connected:
Indicates that the HoloLens is NOT connected to Lucina’s Ethernet.
Indicates that you are operating in Multi-User Mode.
Indicates that you are operating as the Instructor. Learners will see what you
see but you will have full control of the experience.
Indicates that you are operating as the Learner. You will see what the Instructor
sees. The Instructor will have full control of the experience.
Settings Icon:
Opens the Settings menu.
Home Icon:
Exits the current Chapter and returns you to the Chapters menu.
Initial Icon:
Returns you to the beginning of the simulated clinical experience.
Replay Icon:
Replays the current Chapter Experience.
Pause Icon:
Pauses the current Chapter Experience. Tapping it a second time resumes the
current Chapter Experience.
Next Icon:
Advances you to the Next chapter.
Information Icon:
Provides an informational narrative of the current chapter.
Connection Counter:
Indicates the number of Learners connected. The Connection
Counter is ONLY visible to the Instructor.
Previous Icon:
Returns you to the previous chapter.