©2019 CAE 905K472052 v2.1
Before Beginning Setup
Use tap and hold to:
On the app bar, select Scroll Tool. Tap and hold until the tool appears, then slowly
move your hand up and down or side to side. To scroll faster, move your hand farther
from the center of the tool.
On the app bar, select Drag Tool. Tap and hold until the tool appears, then slowly
move your hand up and down or side to side.
• Drag the calibration arrows in the calibration step of LucinaAR.
Pin, unpin, or uninstall an app:
Tap and hold an app tile on Start or in the All apps list,
then select one of the menu choices.
Resize an app:
On the app bar, select Adjust. Tap and hold one of the blue squares in the
corners of the app window, then move your hand to resize.
Move an app:
On the app bar, select Adjust. Continue gazing at the app window, then
move your hand to position the app.
Zoom and Rotate Gestures
For all zoom and rotation gestures below, ensure that your index and thumb are visible by the
HoloLens camera.
The tap and hold gesture is described at the following link:https://support.microsoft.com/en-
Zoom Gestures:
Zoom IN:
Tap and hold, then slowly move your hand towards you
Zoom OUT:
Tap and hold, then slowly move your hand away from you
Rotation Gestures:
Tap and hold, then slowly move your hand towards the left
Tap and hold, then slowly move your hand towards the
Environmental Anchoring
The stability of the anchoring is highly impacted by the knowledge the HoloLens has of its
environment. It is important to scan your surroundings when using the HoloLens in a new room. This
prevents the hologram from drifting causing the device to lose its tracking.
Prior to launching LucinaAR, walk around with the HoloLens on your head so it can map the
surroundings. Microsoft suggests doing this for between 5 and 10 minutes, to look at the ceiling, the
floor and other objects from all sides. This step is important so the holograms stay grounded in the
world preventing the device from "getting lost". One trick is to finger tap in the air while looking