©2019 CAE 905K472052 v2.1
2. Connect the network cable between any of the blue ports on the router and the Ethernet
LAN port on Lucina’s right side.
Lucina Ethernet Ports
3. Press the power button located on the right side of the manikin’s torso to turn on Lucina
and wait for the manikin to say “hello.”
Power on the HoloLens
The first time the HoloLens is powered on it needs to be awaken from sleep mode.
To wake the HoloLens from Sleep Mode:
1. Hold the Power button down for three seconds. Allow it to boot up.
Microsoft HoloLens
2. After the first time, turn on the HoloLens by pressing the Power button.
LED lights near the power button indicate the current battery level. See
for more information.