As you are traveling, the current road is shown at the
bottom center of the map screen. In addition in the upper
center of the map screen will be the next maneuver.
Anytime while on the route, you can press the NAV
(navigation) Repeat button to get an audio prompt of
your next maneuver.
There are two different types of roads in the map
database. Fully attributed roads allow for a destination
to be set and turn-by-turn guidance to be provided to the
exact location of the address. In Process Data (IPD)
roads contain only street name and address information.
Other information such as turn restrictions and direction
of travel is not included for these IPD roads. Therefore,
turn by turn guidance cannot be provided to the
exact address. When trips are planned that include an
IPD destination, turn-by-turn guidance will be provided
on the fully attributed roads closest to the destination.
When nearing the end of the highlighted route the
system will state, “Enroute to your destination, some
roads contain incomplete data. Turn guidance will not be
provided in this area.” As you reach the end of the
highlighted route the system will state, “Turn guidance
will not be provided in this area. Please use the direction
arrow and distance indicator to proceed to your
destination.” You should refer to the direction and
distance information in the lower center area of the
screen to navigate to the destination, or refer to
the information in the waypoint box for a waypoint.
Once your vehicle is near your destination, the system
will say “You’ve arrived at your destination, ending
route guidance.”
Back: This button always returns you to the previous
Traveling Across Regions
If you plan a trip that exceeds 1,250 miles (2 000 km)
(straight line distance from the vehicle’s current position)
you will receive a message that says
“Destination/waypoint exceeds maximum distance”.
The system will not allow for such a long trip. To avoid
this, plan your trip in smaller segments (select a
closer destination that you would like to travel through
on your way to your final destination).