Control System User Manual
Control System User Manual
You should be familiar with the operation of the
QRS in the event of a situation where you wish
to activate the QRS feature.
Grab the release body and firmly push away
from your body (in the direction of the arrow)
until it meets the bottom of the spinning
handle (FIG 1). Activating this primary quick
release (QR1) will still leave you attached to
your kite via the 1X Security line.
For complete separation from your kite, you will
need to activate Quick Release Handle on your
bypass leash. This is covered in detail in the
Bypass Leash Operation Page 18.
• Lift the QR1 body up the spinning handle
shaft until it sits and latches on the side of
the QR1 Hinge body. (FIG 1)
• Take the open end of the loop and insert
it into the upper receiver section of the
harness Loop Body, until it stops. (FIG 2)
• Release the QR1 Body from the Catch.
• Lower the QR1 body back down the shaft
until it rests flush with the Harness Loop
Body. Do this by straightening out and
centering the QR Body to disengage the
catch on the side.
(FIG 4)
• Your QR System is now ready for use.
• Lay the bar 30 meters upwind of the kite. The leading edge will be pointed toward the bar and
into the wind. The wing tips of the kite will be facing away from the bar. The control bar should be
right side up. The orange side of the control system on the left and the black side of the control
system on the right.
• Lay out and clear the bridle making sure all pulleys are cleared of any sand or debris and that
they are in good working order.
• Walk out the steering (outside) lines and place them parallel to each other on the ground about 4
feet apart near the kite (remember, red-sheathed lines on the left and black-sheathed lines on the
• Place the steering lines far apart, so the kite will lie between them.
• Walk out the de-power (center) lines and place them in between the steering lines, parallel
to each other, so that all four lines are lined up as follows (left to right). The lines should not
cross each other or be twisted.
• Place the kite leading edge down so the wing tips of the kite are pointing downwind and are
near the ends of our steering lines.
• Make sure the kite is still secured with sand or sand bags.
• From outside of the kite, attach the steering lines to the corresponding back bridles
on the wing tips. Using larks head knots, attach the steering lines to the middle knot
on the back bridles. Give each knot a tug to secure. This setting assumes you’ve
already checked and properly tuned your control system to ensure all 4 flying lines are
completely even when the bar is sheeted in to full power.
• From the inside of the kite, attach the centre Line with the 1X Designation to the
corresponding front Pigtail connector based on the side you wish to flag out the kite.
Connect to the Left side of the kite (same side of the bridle as the Red Rear Pigtail) if
you want to flag the kite to the right. Connect to the right side (same side of the bridle
as the Black Rear Pigtail) if you want to flag the kite to the left. (FIG 4-6).
• Again, double check to make sure that your lines do not cross each other, and are not
• Your kite is now ready to fly.
Please see the sections of this manual that relate to safety and make sure you are familiar with
the conditions before getting on the water. Kite tuning tips are located in this manual under
(Bar upwind of kite)