Page 16 of 45 • EP203 AUTOMATIC EXTINGUISHER PANEL INSTALLATION MANUAL • Approved Document No. DFU0002032 Rev 4
Ex tinguisher Output Wiring
Note : See Appendix 4 (Technical Specification) for the extinguisher output circuit
The wiring for each output should be connected to the relevant 5mm connector block on
the Main Control PCB and their screens terminated at the EP203 panel’s base earth post.
The EP203 panel’s extinguishant outputs supports up to two solenoids, or multiple
‘Metrons™’ (typically up to four).
S o le noi d W i r i n g
The extinguishant output is capable of supplying up to 1 amp for the maximum duration
(5 mins.) to a solenoid. To ensure that the current rating of the extinguishant output is
not exceeded:
If one solenoid is used it must have a resistance greater than 30 ohms
If two solenoids are used each solenoid must have a resistance greater than 60 ohms.
Note : The number of EP214 System Line Terminators is programmed by an Access Level 3
user in the Commissioning menu (Ext. O/P EOLs sub-menu).
Figure 8 : Typical Solenoid Circuit Wiring
W i r i ng f o r one s o le n oi d :
W i r i ng f o r t w o s o le no i d s :