BÜTTNER ELEKTRONIK – Batterie-Control-Booster MT BCB 30/30, MT BCB 40/40, MT BCB 60/40
4.9.2. Booster operation
• Device does not start, LED “Batt. II” does not light up:
Check voltage at activation input terminal “D+”,
> 8 V.
• Full charging current is not reached, LED “Batt. II” flashes:
- Check voltage at te START> 11 V, increase
motor speed so that the booster can increase.
- Check points 1 to 4 of mains operation. If mains
operation is working properly:
• Check START, fuse II, cross-sections
and lengths (also chassis “minus” connection,
if necessary “-Batt.” cable from the starter to
the board battery) according to table 1. Find
hidden battery separator relay from previous
• If necessary, briefly deactivate the “Limit Boo”-
function for test purposes. Operation with EBL,
EVS etc.
• Booster constantly switches between active and idle:
“D+” must be delivered directly from the vehicle,
not from EBL.