© 2019 Burnside Telecom Ltd.
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Rev 2.1
Battery: 4.2V,OK/Low/Exhausted/Fault
Temperature: 20 (degrees Celsius) OK/Fault
Hook state: On/Off/Howl
PSTN: 48V,OK (only T400LR)
Signal: -dBm
n = 2 The information is the same as type 1, but each item is sent on one line with each field
separated by a comma. This is intended for a monitoring centre:
n = 3 All information in a format intended for a computer:
index:val,index:val... to index 13
The index values are as follows:
0 = Signal in
–dBm (eg -79)
1 = Power supply state (0 for none, 1 for active)
2 = Battery voltage (eg 4.1)
3 = PSTN voltage in volts (eg 48)
4 = Temperature now (in Celsius) (eg 22)
5 = Minimum temperature recorded (eg -6)
6= Maximum temperature recorded (eg 37)
7 = Model/HW ver./Firmware ver. (eg 1/2/1.03)
8 = Hook howl state (0 is OK, 1 is off-hook & howling)
9 = Power break (0 for none, otherwise 1. Cleared on read)
10 = Call state (0 for idle, 1 for call in progress,)
11 = Battery state (0 for normal, 1 for fault)
12 = IMEI (eg 357749031743900)
13= PSTN state (0 for normal, 1 for fault)
14= Reserved (always 0)
15= Reserved (always 1)
16 = <network operator name>
n = 4 Information about the network in human readable format:
index:val,index:val... to index 13
Time to send SMS status daily or at intervals. 24h format HHMM (default 0000).
For example: STIME=2315 will send status once per day at 23:15.
STIME=2415 will send status every 15 minutes.
Maximum time accepted 3600 which is once per 12 hours (3600 - 2400 = 1200).
*860*[old tpin]*[new tpin]*[new tpin]#
Read and write teminal PIN, fixed length of 4 digits
For example: TPIN=4321 (from SMS command) *860*1234*4321*4321# (from DTMF
The TPIN can be restored to the default using a master code provided by Burnside.
Returns the firmware version number.
Additional commands for T400LR:
Sets the IDD prefix that is used to c
onvert “+” in phone numbers for PSTN dialling