Rider Maximum Weight Restriction
All Burley recumbents are engineered for a maximum rider weight of 275 lbs.
(125 kg).
recumbents are en gi neered for a maximum rider weight of 275 lbs.
(125 kg). Individuals heavier than 275 lbs. (125 kg) should not ride
these models. Failure to heed this warning may result in a frame failure
which could cause an accident resulting in serious injury.
Wheel/Heel Overlap
Most recumbent bicycles exhibit some amount of front wheel-to-foot overlap
when turning. This condition is described as the potential for the rider s foot to
come in contact with some part of the front wheel while pedaling and cornering
si mul ta neous ly. This condition is often noticed during low speed cornering, when
the front wheel steering angle is greatest.
It is important to become familiar with the extent of wheel-to- foot overlap, if any,
with your recumbent bicycle. To familiarize yourself with this con di tion, test ride
your bicycle in a safe, open space such as an empty parking lot.
IMPORTANT: It is important to learn where front wheel-to-foot overlap can oc-
cur so that you will know how to avoid it. To avoid overlap, learn the technique
of coasting through sharp turns.
AVOID WHEEL-TO-HEEL OVERLAP: Most recumbent bicycles exhibit
some amount of front wheel-to-foot over lap. A foot coming into con-
tact with the front wheel may cause you to lose control of the bicycle,
and may cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death.
Handlebars and Forks
Some Burley recumbent models are equipped with a special light weight handlebar.
This handlebar is designed specifi cally for re cum bent bicycles and MUST NOT
Handlebars of this type are identifi ed by a warning label at the center of the bar.
This warning label will be covered by the handlebar stem when installed on the
bicycle. The warning label will be visible and obvious when the handlebar is re-
moved from the handlebar stem.