VIII. Helpful Hints for Novice Riders
1. Your foot should be positioned with the pedal under your arch, not under the ball
of your foot as with most bikes.
2. The amount of seat back recline is a matter of personal pref er ence. A more laid
back position distributes body weight over a larger area and is most comfortable
for longer rides. An upright position is more comfortable for most beginners, and
makes looking over the shoul der much easier.
3. The steering mast can be adjusted for height and lean-back. If it s set too high the
handlebar may obstruct your view; too low and your knees may hit your hands.
A 90° bend at the elbows with the bar ends pointing down and slightly forward is
a common setting.
4. Starting off from a standstill requires a good push on your fi rst pedal stroke to
gain some momentum for balance. Place the pedal at the top of the stroke (12
o clock) on your strong side. Choose a low gear.
5. It takes very little input from the handlebars to steer the recumbent. Relax your
upper body, particularly your shoulders, arms and hands. Failure to do so is a
common problem for beginning riders.
6. You will be pushing against the seat back as you pedal. Try to focus the effort to
your middle back for more power. Avoid pulling on the handlebars.
7. Try to develop a smooth, circular pedal stroke.