Macros can manipulate up to 256 variables to perform a variety of functions. For example, a macro can increment
or decrement a variable, providing an event counter that can be read by a virtual channel. Note that a remote ARC
Plus cannot act upon a macro that resides on a different unit.
If Memory
Tests the expression based on the value of the specified variable. The ARC Plus stores up to 256
variables, all of which can be acted on by any macro onboard the local ARC Plus.
Set Memory
Sets the variable to a specific value.
Increases or decreases the specified variable by one (1). Multiple increment or decrement
expressions can be combined to increase or decrease the variable by amounts greater than 1.
Macros can be used to run and stop other macros, as well as use a particular macro’s running/stopped status in an
“if” stateme
If Macro
Tests the expression based on whether a macro is running (on) or stopped (off). A macro that is
scheduled to run, but is not currently executing instructions, is considered to be stopped.
Set Macro
Runs or stops the specified macro.
Programs the macro to pause for the specified duration before executing the next line of code.
Generates a new entry in the ARC Plus event log with the specified message text. Note that
messages do not initiate any email notification, but they can be logged and shown in reports.
Send Email
Sends an email to the selected email list with the selected message.
Email Report
Sends an email to the selected email list using a preconfigured email template. Click or turn to
for configuring the email template.
Email Log
Sends an email to the selected email list with a text log of all current values on the system.
Speak Phrase
Used to output speech phrases through the RSI audio output jack. Instructs the RSI Plus to speak the
selected phrase.
Goto Line
Directs the macro to a specific line of code.
Stops the macro. The macro will run again when next scheduled, when called upon by another
macro, or when issued manually via the front panel, RSI, AutoPilot or web page.