Each channel can be configured to send email and/or dial-out notifications when an alarm condition exists and the
channel’s alarm is enabled (and not muted). The critical thresholds and warning thresholds can each init
iate phone
calls and emails to separate lists.
Each channel can be configured to send email and/or dial-out notifications when an alarm condition exists and the
channel’s alarm is enabled (and not muted). The critical thresholds and warning thresholds ca
n each initiate phone
calls and emails to separate lists.
To set up notification list assignments, navigate to the
Meter Notifications
tab and use the drop-down lists to
select the email lists and dial-out lists each alarm will use. Before a list is available for selection, it must be created
using the Alarm Notifications dialog (Click or turn to
). A metering
channel can be configured with critical alarms and warning alarms (low and high thresholds for each), and
notifications for critical alarms may be directed to different lists from the notifications for warning alarms.