(940) 783-9915
Gauge Options
The gauge options listed below will vary from one vehicle
to another and not all options will be available for each
vehicle covered by the GT Gas.
Pyro 1 & 2 (may require Sensor Docking Station)
Pyro 1 & pyro 2 measure exhaust gas temperature. The
only difference is the location of the temperature sensor.
Used for warning level settings, which help protect the
engine from heat damage. Availability and location of
OEM pyrometers vary according to vehicle make and
year. For all other vehicles, pyrometer kits are available
for purchase from bully dog. Bully Dog and factory OEM
sensors are the only pyrometers which will work with the
GT Gas. If pyro 1 & 2 are unavailable through the OEM, go
through the Sensor Docking Station.
This option shows the current vehicle speed. Monitoring
this information can help you ensure that the speed
displayed on the GT Gas and the vehicle speedometer
match the actual vehicle speed. Other important
numbers, like the odometer and fuel efficiency, are based
on this information.
This option shows the number of revolutions per minute
of the engine. This will help you protect your vehicle and
improve performance by watching and ensuring that the
RPMs stay within a certain range.
Coolant Temperature
This option shows the coolant temperature. Used in
defuel settings to prevent damage to the engine. Not
available on all vehicles.
Throttle Position
This option shows the throttle position measurement – it
is displayed as the percent open. Used by the Driving
Coach to indicate where changes can be made to driving
habits to maximize fuel efficiency.
Intake Temperature
This option shows the intake air temperature.
Air temperature affects combustion temperature and
engine performance.
Transmission Temp
Displays the transmission temperature. Also used in
defuel settings to prevent damage to the transmission
from excessive heat.
Real-time measurement of the load that the engine is
under during use.
This option shows a real-time reading of the timing
position as the engine is running.
This option displays information from the Mass Airflow
Sensor. Used by the Engine Control Module (ECM) to
optimize the engine performance.
Fuel Econ.
A real-time measurement of the vehicle’s fuel economy,
shown in miles per gallon. Determine when your fuel
efficiency peaks or dies to improve your driving habits
and your bottom line when visiting the pump.
Fuel Flow
This option displays the amount of fuel being used at any
given time; shown in a percentage.
Boost (Turbo equipped vehicles only)
Current turbo boost pressure in PSI.
Current atmospheric pressure.
Injection Pulse Width (IPW)
The time the injector stays open for each injection event;
usually displayed in milliseconds (ms).
Battery Voltage
This option shows the current battery voltage.
Additional features listed on
the next page.