Tips on energy-efficient heating
Logamatic 4211 - Subject to technical modifications.
Tips on energy-efficient heating
Here are a few tips on how to heat economically, without
sacrificing convenience:
Only heat if you need warmth. Utilise the preset
heating programs (standard programs) in the control
unit, or those that have been tailored to your
individual requirements.
Air rooms correctly during the heating season: Open
windows fully three to four times a day for
approximately 5 minutes. Having the window slightly
open all the time does not provide an air change and
wastes valuable energy.
Close the thermostatic valves whilst ventilating.
Windows and doors are places where a lot of heat is
lost. Therefore, check whether the doors and
windows are correctly sealed. Shut your roller
shutters (if installed) at night.
Never position large objects such as a sofa or a desk
immediately in front of the radiators, (minimum
clearance 50 cm). Otherwise, the heated air cannot
circulate and heat the room adequately.
In rooms you occupy during the day, you can, for
example, set a room temperature of 21 °C, whilst
17 °C may be sufficient at night. To achieve this, use
standard heating mode (day mode) and setback
mode (night mode) (
Chapter 6).
Never overheat rooms; overheated rooms are
unhealthy, plus they waste money and energy. If you
reduce the day room temperature, for example from
21 °C to 20 °C, you can save approximately six
percent of your heating bill.
Also heat in an energy-conscious manner in spring
and autumn, and utilise the summer/winter time
adjustment (
Chapter 7).
A pleasant room climate not only depends on the
room temperature, but also on the relative humidity.
The drier the air, the cooler a room feels. You can
optimise the relative humidity with house plants.
You can also save money when heating DHW: Only
operate the DHW circulation pump via a time switch.
Research has shown that it is generally sufficient to
run the DHW circulation pump for only three minutes
every half hour.
Arrange for your heating contractor to service your
heating system annually.