Technical data
and startup
Automatic discharge of DC-link voltage
High voltage!
Danger to life!
If the High voltage is present, the HV connections are live!
Under no circumstances should you touch the HV connections without ensuring that there is no
voltage beforehand!
In the case of additional connected capacities, consider a correspondingly longer discharge time!
As soon as the voltage on the HV connections is switched off (manually or automatically), active discharge of DC-
link capacitors takes place in the inverter.
Monitoring of HV voltage
Integrated in the inverter is an overvoltage protective circuit, which deactivates the inverter immediately when the
HV voltage is too high (Error mode). A corresponding error is detected over CAN. The error must be confirmed
before further operation.
If the voltage of the HV input falls below the minimum voltage, the inverter is again deactivated (Error mode). A
corresponding error is detected over CAN. The error must be confirmed before further operation.
Overload protection (derating)
Continuous operation at the temperature limit will inevitably lead to a higher level of wear of the
This security installation is the inverter's self-protection. If the inverter rises in temperature, this means a decrease
in power (derating) to protect the inverter from damage through overheating. The power will subsequently be
reduced until the temperature falls back to the target range.
The temperature measurement takes place in the high power switches and is set in the factory.
Inverter safety unit (ISU)
In general, the customer or the integrator is responsible for the safety of the system, in which the
inverter is integrated. The device is set up for the use of an
Inverter Safety Unit (ISU).
This protective
function was developed in accordance with ISO26262 and can meet the criteria of ASIL-C.
The ISU is not a standard protective function and can be applied by BRUSA optionally.
You can find detailed information on the ISU on the attached sheet