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The BLUETOOTH function doesn’t work or it won’t pair:

• Try moving your device closer. 

• Is the lantern turned on and charged? 

• Is BLUETOOTH enabled on your device or computer? 

• Turn the BLUETOOTH off and then on to wake it. 

•  Try repeating the setup procedure in this guide or pair with a different BLUETOOTH 


•  The speaker plays music from one device at a time. Unpair the device not being 

used. (Refer to your device documentation for help.) Pair a new device using the 

setup procedure.

•  If pairing with a computer, specify the lantern speaker as the Audio Out device on 

the computer. 


DO NOT immerse in water. 

Keep your AMP away from fire, heat, flammable or combustible products. 

DO NOT disassemble the AMP.

If the AMP has been damaged, do not use it again before consulting Brunton tech 


If the USB charging cable, USB plug, or AMP body is damaged. DO NOT use it.

The USB charging cable is for indoor use only.

Never short-circuit the terminal of the battery and the plug of the USB charging cable. 

It may cause the battery to overheat, resulting in fire or damage of the components.

Use the micro-USB charging cable included for charging only.

Lithium batteries in the product can easily rupture, ignite, or explode when exposed 

to high temperatures, or direct sunlight. The product should be stored and charged 

under well ventilated environment. Short-circuiting a battery can also cause it to 

ignite or explode. Never open a battery’s casing. Batteries contain safety devices 

that protect the cells inside from abuse. If damaged, these can cause the battery to 

ignite or explode while charging.

DO NOT charge the AMP and charge an electronic device at the same time. This will 

shorten the AMP’s battery life.

Securely close the USB cover at the back of the AMP so that it will not be damaged 

by rain or dirt.

Safely and properly dispose of the AMP according to your local regulations when it 

comes to the end of its useful life.

This AMP is NOT a toy. Child supervision recommended.

A long period of non-use will lower the voltage of the battery due to natural 

self-discharge. If the light is kept on until the power is completely gone (i.e. over 

discharge), it may shorten the battery life. It is recommended to charge the AMP at 

least once per 1 month in order to keep the battery in normal stage.

BR-Manual-AMP 5.0.indd   5

9/14/15   4:51 PM

Summary of Contents for F-AMP-BK

Page 1: ...LIGHTWAVEAMP LANTERN F AMP BK QUICK STARTGUIDE BR Manual AMP 5 0 indd 1 9 14 15 4 51 PM ...

Page 2: ...eormoreofthe followingmeasures Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthe receiverisconnected Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio TVtechnicianforhelp BEFORE FIRSTUSE Beforefirstandeveryuse chargetheunitbatteryfullyfollowingtheinstructionson HOWTOCHARGE Whenthelanternisnotinuseforalo...

Page 3: ...perationtimemayvarydependingontheuse environment A STATUS INDICATOR Thebatterypowerindicatorlightindicateshowmuchbatteryliferemainsforthe modeinuse B Lightflashing Charging C Alllightson Fullycharged100 batterylife D Threelightson Around75 batterylife E Twolightson Around50 batterylife F Onelighton Lowbattery Below25 batterylife A B C D E F OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS LIGHTFUNCTION ToturntheAMPON press...

Page 4: ...singcontrolsonyourBLUETOOTHsmartphoneortablet 2 3 1 PAIRED ON BRUNTONAMP Bluetooth Conn 4x IftheBLUETOOTHturnsoffafterfiveminuteswithoutplayingaudio ithasentered powersavingmode Turnlanternoffandpressmainbutton4moretimesfor BLUETOOTH andtrypairingyourdeviceagainfollowingsteps2 4 Thelanternspeakeroperateswithasinglepairdevicesmode Ifyoupairthespeaker withanotherdevice thedeviceleastrecentlyconnecte...

Page 5: ...sultinginfireordamageofthecomponents Usethemicro USBchargingcableincludedforchargingonly Lithiumbatteriesintheproductcaneasilyrupture ignite orexplodewhenexposed tohightemperatures ordirectsunlight Theproductshouldbestoredandcharged underwellventilatedenvironment Short circuitingabatterycanalsocauseitto igniteorexplode Neveropenabattery scasing Batteriescontainsafetydevices thatprotectthecellsinsi...

Page 6: ...entaététestéetdéclaréconformeauxlimites pourappareilsnumériquesdeclasseB selonlasection15desrèglementsdela FCC Ceslimitessontdestinéesàassureruneprotectionraisonnablecontreles interférencesnuisiblesdansuneinstallationrésidentielle Cetéquipementproduit utiliseetpeutémettredel énergieradioélectriqueet s iln estpasinstalléetutilisé conformémentauxprésentesinstructions peutcauserdesinterférencesnuisib...

Page 7: ...20 Cto45 C Humiditésupportéepourunfonctionnementnormal 90 COMMENTCHARGER ChargezlalanternecomplètementaveclecâbledechargementmicroUSBfourni 1 Reliezlecâbledechargementmicro USBauportdechargementaudosdel AMP et l extrémitédumicro USBcâbleàvotreprisedecourant sourced énergieDC5V à votreordinateur ouàtouteautresourced énergieUSB 2 Laduréederechargementmoyenneestd environ10heures Lacharges arrêtera lo...

Page 8: ...onnexionBLUETOOTH LarecherchedeLIGHTWAVEAMPs effectuera automatiquement AppuyezsurLIGHTWAVEAMPdanslalisteetopérerselonles instructionsdel applicationB SYNC 5 Vouspouvezégalementjouerdelamusiqueàpartird unlecteurdemusiqueou d unservicedediffusionencontinu Ajusterlevolumeaveclescommandesde votretéléphoneintelligentouvotretabletteBLUETOOTH SileBLUETOOTHs éteintaprèscinqminutessansjouerd audio ilentre...

Page 9: ...Pestendommagé Lecâbledechargementestuniquementpourusageàl intérieur Necourt circuitezjamaislabornedelapileetlapriseducâbledechargementUSB Celapeutfairesurchaufferlapile ayantcommerésultatlefeuoul endommagement descomposants Employezlecâbledechargementmicro USBincluspourchargerseulement Lespilesdelithiumdansleproduitpeuventfacilementserompre s enflammerou explosersiellessontexposéesàdehautestempéra...

Page 10: ...________________________________________________ QUICK STARTGUIDE IMPORTANT ÄnderungenoderModifikationen denennichtausdrücklichvonderfürKonformität verantwortlichenParteizugestimmtwurden könnendieBerechtigungdesNutzers fürdieBedienungdesGerätsungültigmachen DiesesGerätwurdegetestetund alskonformmitdenEinschränkungeneinesKlasseB Digitalgerätseingestuft gemäßderFCC Regulierungen DieseEinschränkungen...

Page 11: ...euchtigkeit 90 DAS GERÄTAUFLADEN LadenSiedieLaternemithilfedesmitgesandtenMicro USB Ladekabelskomplettauf 1 VerbindenSiedasMicro USB LadekabelmitdemLadeanschlussderLaterneauf derRückseitedesAMP unddenUSB AnschlussdesMicro USB Ladekabelsmit einerWandsteckdose DC5VStromquellen einemComputerodereinersonstigen USB Stromquelle 2 DienormaleLadezeiteineskomplettentladenenGerätsbeträgtetwa10Stunden DasAuf...

Page 12: ...derTablet WählenSiedieLaterneaus DerBLUETOOTH StatuswirdnachdemerfolgreichenAufbauderVerbindungin IhremBLUETOOTH Menüzusehensein DerLautsprecherderLaterneistbereitzum AbspielenvonMusik 4 ÖffnenSiedieB SYNCApp wählenSiedasMenü obenlinks undwählendort BLUETOOTH Verbindung EswirdautomatischnachdemLIGHTWAVEAMPgesucht WählenSieausderAuswahllisteLIGHTWAVEAMPausundfahrenSieentsprechend derAnweisungenderB...

Page 13: ...SiedieAnleitung IhresGeräts fallsSieHilfebrauchen VerbindenSieeinneuesGerätmithilfedes beschriebenenInbetriebnahmevorgangs FallsSiedenLautsprecherderLaternemiteinemComputerverbindenmöchten dannwählenSiediesesalsAudio AusgabegerätanIhremComputeraus ACHTUNG NICHTinWassereintauchen SchützenSieIhrenAMPvorFeuer Hitze entflammbarenoderbrennbarenProdukten ZerlegenSiedenAMPunterKEINENUmständeninseineEinze...

Page 14: ...tundenlangauf SolltederAMPnichtdieangegebeneLaufzeitaufweisen obwohlderAkkukomplett aufgeladenist dannhatderAkkumöglicherweisedasEndeseinerNutzungsdauer erreicht GARANTIE registrierenSieIhrenBruntonLIGHTWAVEAMPaufderWebseitewww brunton com Register BruntonhatkeineMühengescheutumsicherzustellen dassSieIhr neuesProduktübervieleJahreproblemlosnutzenkönnen Wirgarantieren dass diesesProduktgemäßderloka...

Page 15: ...15 This page is left blank BR Manual AMP 5 0 indd 15 9 14 15 4 51 PM ...

Page 16: ...ditions 1 This device may not cause harmful interference and 2 this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation ___________________________________ Brunton Outdoor Inc ASSEMBLED IN CHINA CAUTION RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERYIS REPLACED BYAN INCORRECTTYPE DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDINGTOTHE INSTRUCTIONS BR Manual AMP 5 0 indd 16 9 14 15...
