SET LOAD HOst <name>
Sets node name of boot host for (NetWare firmware load)
SET LOAD IP aa.bb.cc.dd
Sets IP address of load host (TCP/IP firmware load)
SET LOAD SOftware <filename>
Sets host filename of firmware to load
SET PAssword <password>
Sets console password (default password is access)
SET PROtect <password>
Set console protection password to prevent access to SET commands (use UNPROTECT
command to access SET commands)
SET SERVEr Name <name>
Set server node name
SET SERVEr DEScription
Sets node description string displayed with SHOW SERVER command
Removes a string number (refer to Appendix B)
SET SERVEr STRing n "..."
Defines server BOT/EOT string (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> <protocol> [EN|DIS]
Enable or disables specified protocol on the specified service.
SET SERVIce <servicename> BOT nn
Set service BOT string to nn (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> EOT nn
Set service EOT string to nn (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> FILter nn
Set service filter to nn (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> FMS <matchnumber>
Set service with specified match string number (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> FRS <replacenumber>
Set service with specified replacement string number (see Appendix B)
SET SERVIce <servicename> NAme <newname>
Changes service name