Ask: What is the most secure WiFi encryption method to protect my WiFi
Answer: This BrosTrend USB WiFi Adapter supports all the WiFi encryption
method, it can auto match the encryption method of your WiFi network. You need
to configure your encryption method in your WiFi router, the most secure one is
WPA2, then WPA. We do not recommend using WEP, it is not safe though it is
encrypted. Also, you can choose the encryption algorithm, the best one is AES.
We do not suggest using TKIP, though TKIP is secured, while it lowers your
network speed.
So WPA2-AES (also called WPA2-PSK) is the best one, it is
most secure, while also offer optimal WiFi network speed.
Ask: Does BrosTrend USB WiFi Adapter support working under software AP
mode as a WiFi Hotspot?
Answer: Yes, it supports working as Soft AP mode, while for operating systems of
Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista only, not for Windows 10. Also, you need to use Ethernet
cable to connect your PC to the Internet, configure your BrosTrend WiFi adapter
to work under Soft AP mode, and you will be able to share your Internet
connection via WiFi with other WiFi devices.
When working under Soft AP mode, BrosTrend WiFi adapter does not support
working as WiFi adapter, so you need to get Internet connection for your PC via
the wired Ethernet port. The steps for configuring Soft AP mode for BrosTrend
WiFi adapter is as below:
In Step 2.3.2 above, you need to select “Install driver and Mediatek WLAN Utility”
to install both of the driver and the Mediatek WLAN Utility, then you can put your
mouse on the button of the Mediatek WLAN Utility which is located on the tray of
your desktop, right click your mouse, select the working mode of “AP(station)
Mode”, then this WiFi adapter will work as a software AP, then please follow the
Mediatek WLAN Utility software interface to setup your SSID Name (the name of
the new WiFi network created by this WiFi adapter under Soft AP mode), WiFi
Channel Number, Encryption type (we suggest WPA2 and AES here for better
security with optimal network performance), WiFi Key (please write this down on a
paper in case you forget it) and then click enter to complete the configuration. If
you want to use BrosTrend WiFi adapter to connect your PC to WiFi network
again, you need to shift it back to Client or WiFi Adapter working mode.
Ask: Does BrosTrend USB WiFi Adapter works with Raspberry Pi/Pi 2, Mint,
Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Zorin, Ubuntu, BackTrack5 R3, and Kali Linux?
Answer: We cannot give you an exact answer and cannot guide you on this either,
while I can tell you that the BrosTrend USB WiFi Adapter you are purchasing is
using Mediatek main chipsets from Taiwan, and we can tell you the model number
of the chipsets in case you send us email at
When you send us email, please tell us your order number and the model number