MANUAL P/N 316005 REV: B
6.6 RS-232 Specifications
EIA standard RS-232 C, half duplex, asynchronous
Data Rates
75, 50, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud
Character length
7 or 8 bit ASCII, switch selectable
Even, odd, or none, switch selectable
Stop bits
1 or 2. 8 character bits plus parity allows only 1 stop bit
Outputs: DTR,RTS. RTS polarity selectable.
Inputs: DSR, CTS, DCD. Can be forced to logic "TRUE" with switches
Logic levels
Inputs: Logic 1: 2.0 Vdc min.,15 Vdc max.
Logic 0:
-15 Vdc min.,0.75 Vdc max
Input Current:
4.0 mA max @ Vin = +15 Vdc
-4.0 mA max @ Vin = -15 Vdc.