AMETEK Brookfield Page 37
Manual No. M09-1200-F1016
Load powder, start test
Apply compaction load,
measure lid position
End test, process results
Loop until
all increasing
compaction loads
are taken
Figure IV-11: Bulk Density Test Algorithm
IV.6 How to Stop the Test
In case of an emergency, hit the large red Test Stop Button on the instrument and use the
manual control keys to reposition the lid and trough as necessary. (See section I.7 for
more information.
In non-emergency situations, the user can abort the test by clicking on the Stop icon in the upper
left corner of the main screen or by clicking the Stop Test button, which lights up on the Main
Screen once the test starts. See Figure IV-12.
Figure IV-12: Stop Button on the Analysis Screen
When the Stop Test button is clicked, the Lid will lift up from the Trough, which is no longer
rotating. The test is cancelled and cannot be resumed at the step where it was stopped. If the
sample had been compacted, it is best practice to replace the sample with fresh material before
starting a new test.