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IOM AddPak R01
13 Wiring
The solenid wiring from the controller to the coil
should be a minimum of #18AWG. The AC and DC
wiring should run in separate conduit. It is high-
ly recommended that the user contract a local
certifi ed electrician to run and terminate the wir-
ing in accordance with all govermental codes for
the area. The solenoid coil produces and inductive
load to the controlling device. Please consult with
the manufacture of the controller regarding this.
Meter Sensor
The sensor wiring can be either a three or four
conductor, #18-22 AWG shielded instrument cable.
Use the Belden number 6502FE or similar. Shield
should terminate at the controller to a DC com-
mon or a specifi cally assigned termination. Do not
terminate shields wires to an AC earth ground. Do
not terminate shield at sensor. Isolate the shield at
Meter Sensor and tape off.
Meter Sensor: Pulse Signal Output
The AddPak Injection Block meter sensor
output is an un-sourced, open collector, transistor
output. The white sensor wire is connected to the
transistor collector. The emitter of the transistor
is connected to the black wire, or DC COMMON
connection; The term “un-sourced” means that
no voltage is applied to the output from with-
in the sensor. It must be pulled to a “high” or
“on” or “true” state by voltage supplied from an
external source. The sensor electronics then drives
the collector “low” or “off” or “false” with each
pulse transmitted. The output is NOT driven high
internally with the sensor. The industry common
scheme allows the sensor to drive external equip-
ment supplied by its own internal transmitter pow-
er. There must be a common connection between
the DC negative of the sensor supply and the DC
COMMON of the signal pulse counter. Refer to the
wiring diagram at the end of this manual for spe-
cifi c connection details.