I/O Sentinel 4 G2 Installation and Operation Manual
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – Email Logging Settings
Logging Email Address:
Email address for the “Logging” email recipi-
ent (may be different from the 8 “Alarm”
Recipient Addresses. Logging emails and
Daily emails are sent to this address only.
Logging Email Snapshot Interval:
The period in hours that a snapshot is taken of
the system. The logging email is not sent on
this interval.
Logging Email Update Interval:
The period in hours that snapshots are
emailed. This email may contain multiple
snapshots if the Snapshot Interval is less than
the Update Interval. Each snapshot will be
identified by the date and time.
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – Email Alarm Settings
Email Alarms:
Choose Immediate and/or Daily. If Immediate
is selected, then an email will be sent out as
soon as an alarm is generated. If Daily is
selected, then each alarm is queued and
emailed as a digest every 24 hours. Both can
be used at the same time. The number of
queued alarms is displayed on the
Monitor/Control page.
Daily Alarm Email Time:
The hour of the day that queued alarms are
sent. Queued alarms are sent to the Logging
Email Address only.
“Alarm” Recipient Address:
Email addresses for up to 8 addresses. These
addresses correlate to the 8 email addresses
selectable on the I/O Setup page.
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