I/O Sentinel 4 G2 Installation and Operation Manual
“Email/Network Setup” Web Page – Other Settings
Site ID:
This is the Site Identifier that is displayed on the web
and in email.
Monitor Refresh Time (Sec): Interval at which the Monitor page refreshes. Shorter
times may increase network traffic. Default: 1
MTU Size:
Sets the network interface’s Maximum Transmittable
Unit. 1400 by default. If a VPN is being used this may
need to be reduced to 1296 to account for added over-
Time Zone Offset from UTC:Sets the time zone used for the internal clock.
Default: -8
Enable Encryption with Relay: When two I/O Sentinels are setup to operate in pair
mode (relay extension cord), the communication can
be encrypted.
When encryption is enabled both devices must use the
same 16 hex byte encryption key.
Encryption Key (16 hex bytes): 32 characters are required, inserting 0 where
required (i.e. 0xA would be entered as 0A). The
checkbox "Enable Encryption" must also be checked.
It is important to verify that both devices are config-
ured properly to operate as an extension before
enabling encryption.
Enable Event Logging:
Event logging will generate an alarm, but it will not
send an email. If the system is configured for Daily
Alarm emails, then that Daily Alarm email will con-
tain the event logging alarms as well as the alarms
configured on the I/O Setup page.
When someone logs into the unit, the username and
date/time will be logged in the alarm log.
When an email is sent, the type of email and date/time
will be logged in the alarm log.
When the device boots the date/time will be logged in
the alarm log.
Alarms Cleared:
When the Daily Logs or Normal Alarms are cleared,
the type of log cleared and date/time will be stored.
When Daily Logs are sent, the Daily Logs are also
cleared; this will cause an event log as well.
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