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Measure the inner diameter of valve guide.
Allowable limit:
Intake/discharge: Ф5.03 mm
Allowable limit for stroke between valve rod and its
Intake: 0.04mm
Discharge: 0.09mm
Valve Guide Replacement
Attention: If stroke between the valve and its guide,
replace the guide. After the guide is replaced, trim
surface of the valve washer.
Place the guide into the freezing chamber of electrical
refrigerator for one-hour cooling.
Heat the cylinder head to 100-150
with an electric
oven or thermal oven.
Fix cylinder head, and use the guide disassembly tool
to remove the guide out of the head.
Place a new O ring onto the new guide.
Fit the guide from the head top.
Attention: Do not damage the head when fit the valve.
KS MOTORCYCLES - http://ksmotorcycles.com