Operating manual for PROFIBUS fieldbus | 2015-07 | V1.7 EN
4. Accessing data via PROFIBUS
Data can be accessed via PROFIBUS both cyclically and non-cyclically (see
chapter 4.3).
Cyclic data is known as a process image. It is made up of data sent by the
PROFIBUS master to the drive controller and from the drive controller to the
PROFIBUS master.
The cyclic data sent from the PROFIBUS master to the drive controller is
known as "Process data In".
The cyclic data sent from the drive controller to the PROFIBUS master is
known as "Process data Out".
4.1 Cyclic data access
– Process data Out
4.1.1 Structure of Process data Out
The process data named below is sent from the drive controller to the
PROFIBUS master. The data is made up of 10 process variables.
Thanks to a corresponding selection, the FKO also makes it
possible for you to work with a process image of only 2 process
variables. To this purpose, the master from the GSD file must
select the "FKO I/O small" module. Both process variables involve
the status word and the actual frequency.