User and service manual
3.2 Caller at the door
The door entry system‟s buttons are labelled in the same way as normal
doorbell buttons. Visitor finds the appropriate name (for example Mr Smith)
and presses the button. The Brave will pick up a line, "plays" the pick up line
tone (if it is not prohibited
) and dials the phone number saved under
that button (
parameter 1 or 2
depending on system regime). From the Brave‟s
speaker a ringing tone will be heard and Mr Smith‟s phone will ring. As soon
as Mr Smith picks up he can talk to his visitor. If an electric lock is also
connected to the Brave, Mr Smith can press a DTMF code on his phone and let
visitor in. If he puts down the phone the Brave will disconnect. If the call lasts
longer than the pre-set limit (
parameter 52
), 10sec before disconnection the
Brave will send a line disconnection tome, but Mr Smith can dial * or #
parameter 42
), to prolonged the call for the length of time set in
parameter 52
The dialled number depends on the regime mode, which is set in the
system (
parameter 47
Regime Day/Night
= if the system is in „Day‟ mode, it dials the number set
parameter 1
, if the system is in „Night‟ mode, it dials a number set in
parameter 2
. The switching over of regimes manually is set in
Regime 2 groups
of numbers = the first press of the button always dials a
number set in parameter 1. Following the repeated pressing of the same
button, when it detects a busy tone (10sec after choice), or after a pre-set
number of rings (
parameter 56
) the system dials a number from the
second group (
parameter 2
). After another press of the same button the
system will again dial the number from the first group (or after detecting a
busy tone on the dialling of a number from the group 2 the repetition
If a visitor presses the button after the system has picked up, the system
will disconnect for a length of time as set in
parameter 54
before it picks up the
line and dials a new number. The number choice takes place either by tone
(DTMF) or impulse according to the setting in
parameter 41
. There is one
more option, disconnection of line after repeat pressing of the same button
(parameter 4*).
It is possible to control a relay switch (
code lock
) with the first 4 buttons.
If visitor at the door presses buttons in the correct combination according to a
pre-programmed code (
parameter 32-34
) and the length of time between
presses isn‟t greater than the pre-set time (
parameter 53
) the system picks up,
switches the appropriate relay (if it is set in mode m=1) for the length of time
given in parameter
37 or 39,30
and then disconnects.
Relays can switch on one or two impulses depending on control code
with the length of time between impulses set in parameter 30. See Tab. 1.