activate a manual timer-controlled programme, which
ensures a welcoming return home.
Its installation requires a three-module recessed box and
can be connected to the heating and cooling system
with just two wires.
Three LR03 1.5 V penlight AAA
batteries are used
to power TH350 for over a year. Once installed, it is ready
for operation with its standard programme in permanent
memory. Based on actual needs, the programme can be
modified as you like, setting the desired temperature for
different moments of the day and week.
The TH350 can be programmed with great ease, even
before it is installed. The spacious backlit display makes
this easier, because at any time it lets you view all data
and set programmes, which you can change at will.
Press the programming buttons and the display lights
up for about 5 seconds from the last time any key
was pressed. The temperature differential can be pro-
grammed from 0 °C to 0.9 °C. The TH350 can control
both heating and air-conditioning systems, and can be
installed as a replacement for a previous on/off program-
mable thermostat.
Temperature differential can be set between
0 °C and 0.9 °C
Suitable for systems with different thermal iner-
tias (fan coil units, floor-installed heating, electric
heaters) ensuring best system use with the lowest
possible consumption.
Proportional/integral adjustment pro-
Allows optimization of consumption with the
maximum room comfort, reducing boiler operat-
ing times based on the difference between the
set temperature and the room temperature. The
less the difference between temperatures, the
less the operating time will be.
The TH350 self-adjusts to provide the desired
temperatures at the selected times.
Setting of boiler lighting and shutdown with
precision of 15 minutes
In automatic operating mode, the TH350 can light
or shut down the boiler on the half-hour or on the
quarter-hours each hour, allowing more precise
management of room comfort programmes and
substantially optimizing boiler consumption.
TH350 EN 05_08.indd 3
TH350 EN 05_08.indd 3
30-05-2008 8:20:46
30-05-2008 8:20:46