Turning the Mics Off
The Action! and Bravo! Mics will fall asleep to save battery when placed on a flat surface after about 10 minutes, but will wake up
with picked up . During the school year there should be no need to actually turn the mics off .
If you need to truly turn off the mics, for example, for travel or summer storage, do the following:
For the Action! Mic press the three buttons below IN SEQUENCE and hold until the mic turns off .
For the Bravo! Mic press and hold the Mute button for about 8 seconds until it shuts off .
To wake the microphones place them in the charger or plug into power via the USB charging port at the bottom of the mic .
Battery Management & Summer Storage
The Action! and Bravo! Mic batteries should last at least 2 years with normal use, and they have a 2-year warranty .
Charge the microphones each night during the school year by placing the mics in the FlipCharger or connecting to a power source
using the included USB cable .
For summer storage, you have several options:
• Quickest:
• Place Mic in the chargers and leave plugged in .
• Leave the ezRooms powered on .
• Energy Saving:
• Mic Shut Down: Turn the Mics off using the procedure described in the above section, or remove the batteries entirely .
(For example if you collect all the mics at the end of the year .)
• Turn off the ezRooms by unplugging the power and turning off PoE (if using) .
leave the mics on a desk or elsewhere for the entire summer without turning them OFF . This will slowly drain the battery
below the recommended level and may reduce the life of the battery .
Mics and batteries should always be stored in a cool dry place .