Setup 39
Program: F12
[F/Key, Sh-F/Key, Edit Key, Sh-Edit Key]
Specify the type of key to be programmed—function or edit key in its normal or shifted state.
When Fkey Speed is
in the EMUL (F9) menu, the Program options are
F/Key and Sh-F/Key
Key Dir:
[Comm Depend, Host, Printer, Printer & Host, Screen, Host & Screen, Printer & Screen, All]
Select the destination of the contents of the function or edit key.
Comm Dependent
will cause the direction of the
key data to correspond to the “Comm Mode” of the current emulation. For example, if the “Comm Mode” is
, the contents of the key will be channeled to the screen only. If it were
Full Duplex
, then the contents
would be sent to the host only.
An edit field which permits up to 255 characters. Once the overall text limit (up to 542 characters) is
reached, the terminal will beep and accept no more text. If the text is deleted with the backspace key, the
default code is no longer programmed. Shift-Backspace will restore the default. See the
Edit Fields
section (page
40) or “Fkey Speed” in the Emulation section (page 35).
A label of up to 7 characters can be entered for function keys in ASCII emulations only. See “Display NV
Labels” on page 35.
– delete
<Shift> <Back>
– default field
Select the key to be programmed. The keys that are listed as choices depend upon the Program parameter
as shown below:
When a PC style keyboard is attached, the choices are:
Program =
Key, Ctrl-Fkey, or Ctrl-Sh-Fkey the choices are
[F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10,
F11, F12].
When Program =
Edit Key or Sh-Edit Key,
the choices are
[Tab, Esc, Backspace, Delete, Return, Home,
EnterKpd, Insert, PageDown, PageUp, End, Print].
When an ANSI keyboard is attached, the choices are:
Program =
F/Key or
Key, the choices are
[F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, Help, Do,
F17, F18, F19, F20].
When Program =
Edit Key or Sh-Edit key,
the choices are
[Tab, <X],Select, Return,
, Enter, Next Screen, Remove, PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4].
When Program = Edit Key or Sh-Edit Key, the choices are
, Esc, Backspace, Return, Print, Enter Kpd,
Insert, Delete, Home, BackTab, Clear, and ErEOF.]
To program an ESC (escape) character into the key text, press Ctrl-[.
To program a DEL character into the text field, press Ctrl-Shift-* (alphanumeric keypad).
To program a carriage return or line feed into the key text field, press Ctrl-M or Ctrl-J, respectively.
To program the “Print Screen” key to perform a local print screen (page) function: In the key text field,
press Ctrl-[ and then P. Next, set the “Key Dir”=Screen option.